
Translates the Score file into a deployment delta for Humanitec.

The score-humanitec delta command prepares your Workload for deployment with Humanitec.


The following section describes configuration details for the score-humanitec delta command.


Translates the Score file into a deployment delta for Humanitec.


The following is an example that translates a Score file into a deployment delta for Humanitec.

score-humanitec delta -f ./score.yaml \
  --org ${HUMANITEC_ORG} \
  --app ${APP_ID} \
  --token ${HUMANITEC_TOKEN} \


The following are configuration details for score-humanitec delta.


Specifies a Humanitec API endpoint.


Specifies the application ID.

Required: true


The ID of an existing delta in Humanitec, you want to merge the generated delta to.


Trigger a new delta deployment at the end.


Specifies an Environment ID.

Required: true


Path to the extension file.

Default: ./humanitec.score.yaml


Source Score file.

Default: ./score.yaml

Alias: -f


Help for the delta command.

Alias: -h


Provides a description for the delta.

Default: Auto-deployment (SCORE)

Alias: -m


Specifies the Organization ID.

Required: true


Specifies the path to the override file.

Default: ./overrides.score.yaml


Specifies a Humanitec API authentication token.

Required: true


Specifies a Humanitec API endpoint.



Enables a stream to which error messages are sent.

Alias: v
