Available actions

Humanitec Pipelines support many different kinds of actions that can be executed in the Steps of a Pipeline.

When used in the Pipeline, the action is specified as class://name@version, or simply name when using the latest version of a Humanitec native action.

      # Fully qualified action notation
      - uses: native://actions/humanitec/log@v1
      # Simplified action notation
      - uses: actions/humanitec/log

Each action is defined by a class, a name, and a version. The only supported action class today is native:// which defines built-in actions provided by Humanitec Pipelines. Native actions execute securely within Humanitec’s infrastructure and do not support any kind of custom code execution, process environment, or command interpolation. The version of an action is assumed to be latest if not provided which maps to the latest available version of the Action.

APIs and Callbacks


Executes a limited set of supported Humanitec Platform Orchestrator API operations as the current run-as user. The API operation returns a status code, headers, and optional body data. This action is used to retrieve data from Environments, Deltas, Sets, or Deployments.

Input Type Required Description
action string yes The API operation id. See the list of actions below
data any no Additional data to send to the endpoint if supported. This will be encoded as JSON
* string no Any remaining inputs are defined by the API operations themselves, see below

This action returns the following outputs:

Output Type Description
status string The response status code
data any The decoded JSON body data

This step fails if the request is not successful.

Example use:

      - uses: native://actions/humanitec/api@v1
        id: getEnv
          action: getEnvironment
          env_id: "development"
      - uses: native://actions/humanitec/log@v1
          # Pick up the "data" output provided by the api action
          message: "Environment data:\n ${{ toJson(steps.getEnv.outputs.data) }}"


Returns the API response for an Environment of the current Application. This includes details of the current deployments and their status. Requires an input for the env_id.

getDeployment(env_id, deployment_id)

Returns the API response for a Deployment within an Environment of the current Application. Requires inputs for both environment_id and deployment_id id.


Returns the API response for a Delta within the current Application. Requires an input for the delta_id.


Returns the API response for a Deployment Set within the current Application. Requires an input for the set_id.

getActiveResource(env_id, type, class, res_id?)

Returns the Active Resource state for a resource within an Environment that matches the type, class, and optional resource identifier.


Executes a remote HTTP or HTTPS request. This can be used to issue notifications externally or trigger additional external deployment actions.

Input Type Required Description
url string yes The HTTP or HTTPS request URL including any query parameters. The hostname must resolve to a public internet address
method string no The HTTP request method. Defaults to GET, or to POST if data is provided
headers object no A map of any additional HTTP request headers to send
data any no Optional body data to send. If the data type is not a string, it will be JSON encoded
retries integer no The number of additional retries to perform if no HTTP response was received. Defaults to 3
timeout_seconds integer no A timeout covering connect, request, and response reading. Defaults to 5 seconds

The step fails if the response status code is >= 300 or if no response was received within the configured timeout.

This action returns the following outputs:

Output Type Description
status string The response status code
data any Returns up to 10KB of the raw body data. Any surplus will be dropped

Example use:

      - uses: native://actions/humanitec/http@v1
        id: httpPost
          url: "https://my.external.service.com/path/to/endpoint"
          method: "POST"
            Content-Type: "application/json"
            Authorization: "Bearer ${{ inputs.token }}"
            some: "data"
            passed: "in"
      - uses: native://actions/humanitec/log@v1
          # Pick up the "data" output provided by the http action
          message: "Response data:\n ${{ steps.httpPost.outputs.data }}"


This action triggers a GitHub Workflow execution and waits until it completes or the Humanitec Pipeline Job times out. The inputs define which repo, branch, and workflow file to execute as well as the inputs to provide.

This action requires a GitHub access token to be present in the Application secrets.

Input Type Required Description
repo string yes The organization and repo of the workflow. E. g: “humanitec/example-repo”
ref string yes The git branch name
workflow string yes The workflow file name
access_token string yes The GitHub access token to use when calling the GitHub API
inputs object no Optional inputs to provide in the workflow dispatch trigger
request_uid_input string no An optional field to set as a request unique identifier. This can help provide idempotency when launching the workflow

This action returns the following outputs:

Output Type Description
run_id string The workflow run id
conclusion string The conclusion status of the completed run from GitHub. This could be “succeeded”, “failed”, “canceled”, etc. Note that the Pipeline step fails if the conclusion is not “succeeded”
html_url string A URL to the workflow run in the GitHub UI

Example use:

      - uses: native://actions/humanitec/github-workflow@v1
         id: gitHubWorkflow
          repo: myGitHubOrg/myGitHubRepo
          ref: main
          workflow: "push.yml"
          # Read access token from a secret Application value
          access_token: "${{ app.values.github-token }}"
      - uses: native://actions/humanitec/log@v1
          # Pick up the "conclusion" output provided by the github-workflow action
          message: "Conclusion: ${{ steps.gitHubWorkflow.outputs.conclusion }}"


This action triggers a GitLab Pipeline execution and waits until it completes or the Humanitec Pipeline Job times out. The inputs define which GitLab project and branch to trigger the Pipeline in, the variables, and the token to run with.

Input Type Required Description
project_id string yes The ID or URL-encoded path of the project
ref string yes The git branch or tag to run the Pipeline
private_token string yes The GitLab access token to use when calling the GitLab API
variables array no An array of objects describing the inputs to the Pipeline as “key”, “variable_type”, and “value” according to this GitLab API endpoint

This action executes the GitLab Pipeline until it reaches a terminal state.

This action returns the following outputs:

Output Type Description
pipeline_id string The Pipeline execution id
web_url string A URL to the Pipeline execution in the GitLab UI

Example use:

      - uses: native://actions/humanitec/gitlab-pipeline@v1
        id: gitLabPipeline
          project_id: "my-project/my-pipeline"
          ref: main
          # Read access token from a secret Application value
          private_token: "${{ app.values.gitlab-token }}"
            - key: MY_VAR_1
              value: true
              variable_type: file
            - key: MY_VAR_2
              value: "test"
              variable_type: env_var
      - uses: native://actions/humanitec/log@v1
          # Pick up the "pipeline_id" output provided by the gitlab-pipeline action
          message: "Pipeline execution ID: ${{ steps.gitLabPipeline.outputs.pipeline_id }}"

Deltas and Deployments


This action produces a new Deployment Set by applying a Delta to the current state of an Environment. This Deployment Set can then be deployed or cloned to another Environment.

Input Type Required Description
env_id string yes The Humanitec Environment id to apply the Delta to
delta_id string yes The delta_id to apply. This Delta can be from the current Environment or a different Environment

This action will provide a Deployment Set as an output.

Output Type Description
set_id string The Deployment Set id

Example use:

        type: string
        required: true
      - uses: native://actions/humanitec/apply@v1
        id: applyDelta
          env_id: development
          delta_id: ${{ inputs.delta_id }}
      - uses: native://actions/humanitec/log@v1
          # Pick up the "set_id" output provided by the github-workflow action
          message: "Deployment Set ID: ${{ steps.applyDelta.outputs.set_id }}"


This action blocks the Pipeline execution until a user with deployment permissions on the target Environment has approved or denied the approval resource through the UI or API. The timeout is that of the surrounding Job or entire Pipeline.

Input Type Required Description
env_id string yes The Humanitec Environment id to validate the approval against
message string yes The approval message to display in the approval request

Example use:

        type: string
        required: true
      - uses: native://actions/humanitec/approve@v1
        id: approve
          env_id: development
          message: "Please approve deployment to ${{ inputs.target_env_id }} environment"


This action clones a Deployment Set from one Environment to another, producing both a new Deployment Set and a Delta. The Deployment Set can then be deployed into the target Environment.

Input Type Required Description
from_env_id string yes The Environment id to clone the Deployment Set from
to_env_id string yes The Environment id where the Delta and Set will be produced
from_deployment_id string no The specific Deployment id to clone. If this input is not provided, it will clone the latest Deployment in the from_env
include string no A regular expression which will be matched against the Workloads in the resulting Delta. Non-matching Workloads are removed from the Delta
exclude string no A regular expression which will be matched against the Workloads in the resulting Delta. Matching Workloads are removed from the Delta. Takes precedence over include if both expressions match a Workload

This action returns the following outputs:

Output Type Description
set_id string The resulting Deployment Set Id
delta_id string The resulting Delta id

Example use:

        type: string
        required: true
        type: string
        required: true
      - uses: native://actions/humanitec/clone@v1
        id: clone
          from_env_id: ${{ inputs.from_env_id }}
          to_env_id: ${{ inputs.to_env_id }}
          # Exclude all Workloads containg the term "demo" from the resulting Delta
          exclude: "demo"


The create-delta action can construct a new Delta from a list of Platform Orchestrator workload artefacts or container images. The workload artefacts will all be converted into new or updated Workloads within a Humanitec Delta. The container images will be matched against existing Workloads and be processed as updated if the image repository matches.

This step is best used together with an “artefact” trigger event which can produce workload_artefacts and images in the correct format.

Input Type Required Description
env_id string yes The Environment id to create the Delta in
name string no An optional name to apply to the Delta
workload_artefacts []string no The list of workload artefact versions to add to the delta. This input is compatible with the workload_artefacts output of the artefact trigger
images []string no The list of container images to match with existing workloads and process as updates. These images do not have to be registered in the artefact API. This input is compatible with the container_artefacts output of the artefact trigger

This action provides a Deployment Delta as an output.

Output Type Description
delta_id string The resulting Delta id

Example use showing the chaining of the create-delta action with the subsequent use of apply (to create a Set from the Delta) and deploy (to deploy the Set):

name: Example Artefact Pipeline
    type: container
    run-as: "s-12345678-abcd-1234-efab-0987654321ba"
      - "myimage"
    - uses: native://actions/humanitec/log@v1
        message: "Image versions: ${{ toJson(inputs.container_artefacts) }}"
    - uses: native://actions/humanitec/create-delta@v1
      id: create-delta
        env_id: development
        images: ${{ inputs.container_artefacts }}
    - uses: native://actions/humanitec/apply@v1
      id: apply
        env_id: development
        delta_id: ${{ steps.create-delta.outputs.delta_id }}
    - uses: native://actions/humanitec/deploy@v1
        env_id: development
        set_id: ${{ steps.apply.outputs.set_id }}

This Pipeline would be triggered by a notification using the humctl CLI:

humctl create artefact-version --type container \
  --name "myimage" \
  --version "latest" \
  --commit "0b41a3f4b17fc84ec2ba045ebac9796ad07dc123" \
  --ref "refs/head/main"


The deploy action is one of the most used Steps in Pipelines. This action deploys a Deployment Set to a target Environment. The Deployment Set can be produced from an apply action, a Pipeline input, or may be a Set id that was already deployed in the past. The value set version can also be specified and will default to the latest value set in the Environment if not specified.

Input Type Required Description
env_id string yes The Environment id to deploy to
set_id string yes The Deployment Set to deploy to the Environment
value_set_version_id string no An optional value set version to deploy with. This defaults to the latest version but can be specified if the intention is to rollback to a previous version of the value set
comment string no An optional comment to apply to the Deployment

This action returns the following outputs:

Output Type Description
deployment_id string The resulting Deployment id
set_id string The Deployment Set that was used in the Deployment
value_set_version_id string The value set version that was used in the Deployment
status string The status of the Deployment. This may be “failed” or “succeeded”. The step automatically fails if the status is “failed”

Example use for an Artefact Automation Pipeline: see the create-delta action.

Example use for an API-triggered Pipeline:

name: Example API-triggered deploy Pipeline
        type: string
        required: true
        description: The Deployment Set id to deploy
        type: string
        required: true
        description: The Environment id to deploy into 
    - uses: native://actions/humanitec/deploy@v1
      id: deploy
        set_id: ${{ inputs.set_id }}
        env_id: ${{ inputs.env_id }}
    - uses: native://actions/humanitec/log@v1
        message: "The resulting Deployment id is ${{ steps.deploy.outputs.deployment_id }}"



Writes a log message to the Pipeline logs. This can be useful for debugging or auditing Pipeline execution.

Input Type Required Description
message string yes The message to publish. It supports expressions
level string no Optional log level for the output. Supported values are INFO (default), DEBUG, and ERROR

This action returns no outputs.

Most examples for the other actions on this page show the usage of the “log” action. Use this snippet as quick guidance:

name: My logging Pipeline
        type: string
        required: true
      - uses: native://actions/humanitec/log@v1
          message: "I received: ${{ inputs.my_input }}"
          level: DEBUG


Fails the Pipeline Step and writes a log message. This is similar to the log action but will always write the message at ERROR level.

Input Type Required Description
message string yes The message to publish. It supports expressions

This action returns no outputs.

Example use:

name: Deployment with Notifications
  deployment_request: {}
    needs: ["deploy"]
    # Fail the pipeline if the initial deployment failed
    - name: Fail if deploy failed
      if: ${{ needs.deploy.status == 'failed' }}
      uses: native://actions/humanitec/fail@v1
        message: Deployment failed.


Waits until all Workloads in an Environment are in a “ready” state, otherwise fails the Pipeline Step after a timeout.

Input Type Required Description
env_id string yes The Environment id to check
include_workloads string no An optional regular expression indicating which Workloads in the Deployment Set should be waited for
exclude_workloads string no An optional regular expression indicating which Workloads to ignore in the Deployment Set
timeout_minutes integer no The timeout in minutes. Defaults to two minutes if not provided

This action returns no outputs.

Example use:

name: Deployment with waiting
  deployment_request: {}
    needs: ["deploy"]
      - name: "Wait for Workload readiness"
        id: wait-for-workload-readiness
        uses: native://actions/humanitec/wait-for-readiness@v1
          env_id: ${{ inputs.environment }}