
Learn to connect and manage databases.

Databases Drivers provision databases in an existing instance. The instance must be reachable from Humanitec IPs.

Relational Databases

Humanitec supports a range of Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) out of the box. In all of these systems there is a distinction between the database and the RDBMS server or instance.

Access methods

The access method refers to how Humanitec connects to an RDBMS instance.

Access methods PostgreSQL MySQL MariaDB SQL Server
Direct coming soon
Over SSH coming soon
Google Cloud SQL Proxy coming soon


A direct connection is where Humanitec connects directly to the RDBMS instance. The instance must be accessible on the public internet for this to be possible.

This is the default configuration when using Aiven managed databases, or public Amazon RDS and Azure Databases.

Over SSH

When connecting over SSH, Humanitec first connects to bastion host or jump server and then makes an onward connection from that server to the instance itself.

This is a common way of administering private RDBMS instances, for example a private Amazon RDS instance running inside a private VPC.

Google Cloud SQL Proxy

Google provides their own proxy which can be used to securely connect to private Cloud SQL instances without the need of a dedicated bastion host.

Google Cloud SQL supports MySQL, PostgresSQL, and SQL Server. The MariaDB Driver over Cloud is functionally equivalent to the MySQL Driver over Cloud.
