Deployment Pipelines

Notify slack channel of failed deployments

Humanitec Pipelines supports an http action which is able to send external requests with data from the Pipeline execution. This can be used to trigger or notify external systems. One example of this is to notify a channel in Slack or raise a support request or ticket.

In the following example, we’ll notify a Slack channel of the success or failure of all deployments through the Pipeline.

The Slack credential is stored as a secret Application Shared Value.

pipeline.yaml (view on GitHub) :

name: Deployment with Notifications
  deployment_request: {}

# Inherit the permissions of the user triggering the deployment
  run-as: inherit

    # This critical property ensures that we don't stop the pipeline when the initial deployment fails.
    continue-on-error: true
    - if: ${{ ! inputs.set_id }}
      name: Create Deployment Set
      id: create-deployment-set
      uses: actions/humanitec/apply@v1
        delta_id: ${{ inputs.delta_id }}
        env_id: ${{ inputs.env_id }}

    - name: Deploy Set To Environment
      uses: actions/humanitec/deploy@v1
        set_id: ${{ inputs.set_id || steps.create-deployment-set.outputs.set_id }}
        value_set_version_id: ${{ inputs.value_set_version_id }}
        env_id: ${{ inputs.env_id }}
        message: ${{ inputs.comment }}

    needs: ["deploy"]
    - name: Notify Slack
      uses: actions/humanitec/http@v1
        method: POST
        url: ${{ app.values.SLACK_WEBHOOK }}
          "Content-Type": "application/json"
          text: |
            Deployment to ${{ inputs environment }} ${{ needs.deploy.status }}.
            Comment: ${{ inputs.comment }}
            Link: "${{ }}/apps/${{ }}/envs/${{ inputs.environment }}"

    # Now fail the pipeline if the initial deployment failed
    - name: Fail if failed
      if: ${{ needs.deploy.status == 'failed' }}
      uses: actions/humanitec/fail@v1
        message: Deployment failed.

Prevent direct deployment to production

In the “promote between environments” example, a Pipeline is used to promote a Workload from development to production. To ensure that all changes to production have first been tested in development, it may be necessary to block direct deployment of Deltas to production. Deployment request Matching Criteria can be used for this.

First, create a Pipeline that always fails with a log message.

Then link this Pipeline to the production Environment with the following Matching Criteria:

  • app_id: my-application
  • env_id: production
  • deployment_type: deploy

The deployment_type: deploy part effectively excludes the re-deploy situation because you still want to be able to rollback production to a previous release without re-promoting a change through the promotion pipeline. This can be relevant e.g. during an incident or other operational needs.

Because this Pipeline is triggered by deployment_request, any direct deployments through the user interface and APIs will run through this Pipeline and fail before the deployment takes place.

Deployments through other Pipelines, such as the aforementioned promotion Pipeline, will still continue as normal.

pipeline.yaml (view on GitHub) :

name: No deployment allowed
  deployment_request: {}
  application: viewer
    - uses: actions/humanitec/fail@v1
        message: Direct deployment to ${{ inputs.env_id }} is not allowed.

Run automated tests after deployment

When the Platform Orchestrator deploys changes into an Environment, the Deployment status indicates whether it successfully provisioned associated resources and configured the Workloads. It does not necessarily imply that the Applications are healthy or that the desired functionality is available to end users. This is why a major benefit of Continuous Delivery Pipelines is the ability to perform health checks and run a suite of tests against the running application in a pre-production or even production Environment.

Humanitec Pipelines can be used to achieve this goal by combining the common deployment steps with steps that wait for readiness, and execute external tests in systems such as GitHub Actions or GitLab Pipelines.

The example Pipeline uses a GitHub Action.

Once configured for the target environment using deployment request Matching Criteria, this Pipeline will now fail automatically when any of the following happens:

  1. The deployment fails, due to reasons like invalid configuration, inaccessible Kubernetes clusters, or failures to provision resources in the Platform Orchestrator
  2. Workloads that fail to reach a ready state
  3. Failures occur in the attached GitHub Actions Workflow

All of these events are valuable health tests that can be automated by Humanitec Pipelines.

pipeline.yaml (view on GitHub) :

name: Testing after deployment

# This pipeline is a deployment request pipeline and runs for any deploy or re-deploy.
  deployment_request: {}

# This pipeline needs permissions to deploy to our development environments. We could add staging and production here too.
  application: developer
    development: deployer

# Because this pipeline runs tests, we're going to use concurrency controls to ensure only one deploy and test cycle is running at a time against the target environment.
  group: "${{ }}-${{ }}-${{ inputs.env_id }}"

    - if: ${{ ! inputs.set_id }}
      name: Create Deployment Set
      id: create-deployment-set
      uses: actions/humanitec/apply@v1
        delta_id: ${{ inputs.delta_id }}
        env_id: ${{ inputs.env_id }}

    - name: Deploy Set To Environment
      uses: actions/humanitec/deploy@v1
        set_id: ${{ inputs.set_id || steps.create-deployment-set.outputs.set_id }}
        value_set_version_id: ${{ inputs.value_set_version_id }}
        env_id: ${{ inputs.env_id }}
        message: ${{ inputs.comment }}

    - name: Wait For Ready
      uses: actions/humanitec/wait-for-readiness@v1
        env_id: ${{ inputs.env_id }}
    - name: Run Tests
      uses: actions/humanitec/github-workflow@v1
        repo: my-github-organization/my-github-repository
        ref: main
        workflow: ".github/workflows/push.yml"
        # Read access token from a secret Application value
        access_token: "${{ app.values.github-token }}"
        # Pass inputs to the pipeline that direct the tests to the target environment
          environment: ${{ inputs.env_id }}
        request_uid_input: request_uid
