Generic Cluster

Used to connect to a Kubernetes cluster using vanilla kubeconfig parameters.

Property Description
Resource type k8s-cluster
Account type None



Name Type Description
cluster_data object Contains the properties from the cluster object clusters: section of the kubeconfig
loadbalancer string The IP address or hostname that ingress should be configured for in the cluster.


Name Type Description
credentials object Contains the properties from the user object within the users: section of the kubeconfig


The structure of the kubeconfig file is not well documented. In most systems it can be found in ~/kube/config. It is a YAML file.

At its top level, there are 4 properties:

Property Type Description
apiVersion string Always v1
clusters array An array of cluster objects. Each object has a name and cluster property containing the configuration.
contexts array Links a cluster to a user by names. Each object has its own name and context property that contains the mapping.
users array Defines the credentials for a user. Each object has its own name and user property that contains the credentials.

The Driver requires the contents of a cluster object in the clusters array and a user object within the users array.

For example, for this basic kubeconfig:

apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
    certificate-authority-data: "LS0tlkjdfl...sadfLS0K"
  name: my-cluster
- context:
    cluster: my-cluster
    user: my-user
  name: my-context
- name: my-user
    client-certificate-data: "LS0t4edkjl...dsLS0tCg=="
    client-key-data: "LS0tLS1CRU...gS0VZLS0tLS0K"
    token: 75e2...2s84

The cluster_data property would be:

  "certificate-authority-data": "LS0tlkjdfl...sadfLS0K",
  "server": ""

The credentials would be:

  "client-certificate-data": "LS0t4edkjl...dsLS0tCg==",
  "client-key-data": "LS0tLS1CRU...gS0VZLS0tLS0K",
  "token": "75e2...2s84"

(JSON is used because the Humanitec API requires JSON)


This Driver requires the contexts of one cluster and one user property as maintained in a kubeconfig file. You can identify which cluster and user object you need by inspecting the contexts. This command will return the context object for the given context name:

# Output is the cluster and user name in the kubeconfig
yq e '.contexts[] | select(.name == "my-context") | .context' ~/.kube/config

Set the following environment variables for the CLI and API commands:

Variable Example Description
HUMANITEC_TOKEN my-token The authentication token for accessing the Humanitec API.
HUMANITEC_ORG my-org-id The unique identifier for the organization in Humanitec.

Use the command below for the interface of your choice.

The required cluster_data and credentials values can then be fetched with these commands:

# Output the cluster data to a file in YAML format and add the required indentation.
yq '.clusters[] | select(.name == "my-cluster") | .cluster' ~/.kube/config \
 | sed 's/^/        /' \
 > cluster_data.yaml
# Output the user credentials to a file in YAML format and add the required indentation.
yq e '.users[] | select(.name == "my-user") | .user' ~/.kube/config \
 | sed 's/^/        /' \
 > user_credentials.yaml

The output of these two commands can then be combined into the payload to configure the Driver.

  1. Create a file defining the Resource Definition you want to create. Adjust or remove the loadbalancer item as needed.
cat << EOF > k8s-cluster.yaml
kind: Definition
  id: my-cluster
  driver_type: humanitec/k8s-cluster
  name: My Cluster
  type: k8s-cluster
$(cat user_credentials.yaml)
$(cat cluster_data.yaml)
  - env_type: development
  1. Use the humctl create command to create the Resource Definition in the Organization defined by your configured context:
humctl create -f k8s-cluster.yaml
rm k8s-cluster.yaml
rm cluster_data.yaml
rm user_credentials.yaml

The required cluster_data and credentials values can then be fetched with these commands:

# Output is the cluster data in JSON format.
export CLUSTER_DATA=$(yq e -o json '.clusters[] | select(.name == "my-cluster") | .cluster' ~/.kube/config)
# Output is the user credentials in JSON format.
export USER_CREDENTIALS=$(yq e -o json '.users[] | select(.name == "my-user") | .user' ~/.kube/config)

The output of these two commands can then be combined into the payload to configure the Driver. Adjust or remove the loadbalancer item as needed.

curl${HUMANITEC_ORG}/resources/defs \
  -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer ${HUMANITEC_TOKEN}" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '
  "id": "my-cluster",
  "name": "My Cluster",
  "type": "k8s-cluster",
  "criteria": [
      "env_type": "development"
  "driver_type": "humanitec/k8s-cluster",
  "driver_inputs": {
    "values": {
      "cluster_data": '"$(echo ${CLUSTER_DATA})"',
      "loadbalancer": ""
    "secrets": {
      "credentials": '"$(echo ${USER_CREDENTIALS})"'