
This generates the outputs of a Driver based on Go templates. This is very similar to the templates used in Helm. You can use almost all the features as you would in Helm.

The Driver can be used to produce manifests, resource outputs and manipulate the Driver cookie. The Driver is a “Universal Driver” which means it can be used for all resource types.

Property Description
Resource type Any
Account type None



Name Type Description
templates object Contains objects that will be evaluated as templates.

Template objects

Each object in the template will be evaluated using the same evaluation algorithm. All objects are optional.

Object Type Description
init any Must evaluate to any valid YAML. The init object is evaluated first and then made available as .init to other objects.
cookie any Must evaluate to any valid YAML. The result of evaluating this object is stored as a cookie. This will be available on subsequent requests as .cookie.
manifests object Must evaluate to a list of Manifest Location objects. These will be transformed and returned as the manifests property in the Driver outputs. See Generating manifests for more details.
The data object in the Manifest Location objects must evaluate to a valid Kubernetes manifest as raw YAML, i.e. not a string containing YAML.
outputs object Must evaluate to an object. Properties to be available on resource.values in the output.


Name Type Description
templates object Contains objects that will be evaluated as templates.

Template objects

Each object in the template will be evaluated using the same evaluation algorithm. All objects are optional.

Object Type Description
outputs object Must evaluate to an object. Properties to be available on resource.secrets in the output.


Creating templates

The jq utility can be used to quickly convert an input into a JSON encoded string:

cat template.yaml | jq -sR

Using the init template object

The init template object is a useful way to do things like generate common data that is needed across templates. For example, a common usecase is the need to generate a random ID to return from the Driver. The ID should be stored as a cookie so that the same ID can be returned in future.

Here is an example set of template objects that could do this:

    randomId: |
      {{- if and .cookie .cookie.randomId }}
        {{- .cookie.randomId }}
      {{- else }}
        {{- randAlphaNum 16 }}
      {{- end }}
    randomId: {{ .init.randomId }}
    randomId: {{ .init.randomId }}

This example will generate a random ID the first time it is called and return the same ID on all subsequent calls.


See the Template Driver examples page for a collection of examples.

Here is an example of using the template Driver generate an Ingress manifest. This can be used as a drop in replacement for the humanitec/ingress Driver as long as there is no more than one ingress configured per environment.

Set the following environment variables for the CLI and API commands:

Variable Example Description
HUMANITEC_TOKEN my-token The authentication token for accessing the Humanitec API.
HUMANITEC_ORG my-org-id The unique identifier for the organization in Humanitec.

Use the command below for the interface of your choice.

  1. Create a file defining the Resource Definition you want to create:
cat << EOF > template-ingress.yaml
apiVersion: entity.humanitec.io/v1b1
kind: Definition
  id: template-ingress
  name: Template Ingress
  type: ingress
  driver_type: humanitec/template
            location: namespace
            data: |
              apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
              kind: Ingress
                name: template-ingress
                - host: {{ .resource.host }}
                    {{- range $path, $param := .resource.rules.http }}
                    - backend:
                        serviceName: {{ $param.name }}
                        servicePort: {{ $param.port }}
                      pathType: ImplementationSpecific
                    {{- end }}
                - hosts:
                  - {{ .resource.host }}
                  secretName: {{ .resource.tls_secret_name }}
  - env_type: test-envs
  1. Use the humctl create command to create the Resource Definition in the Organization defined by your configured context:
humctl create -f template-ingress.yaml
rm template-ingress.yaml

Expected output:

id              type    driver_type             driver_account
cookie-config   config  humanitec/template      -

Note that the data in the manifest is provided as a JSON encoded string which will evaluated as a template to a raw YAML object.

curl https://api.humanitec.io/orgs/${HUMANITEC_ORG}/resources/defs \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer ${HUMANITEC_TOKEN}" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data-binary '{
  "id": "template-ingress",
  "name": "Template Ingress",
  "type": "ingress",
  "driver_type": "humanitec/template",
  "driver_inputs": {
    "values": {
      "templates": {
        "manifests": {
          "ingress": {
            "location": "namespace",
            "data": "apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1\nkind: Ingress\nmetadata:\n  name: template-ingress\nspec:\n  rules:\n  - host: {{ .resource.host }}\n    http:\n      paths:\n      {{- range $path, $param := .resource.rules.http }}\n      - backend:\n          serviceName: {{ $param.name }}\n          servicePort: {{ $param.port }}\n        pathType: ImplementationSpecific\n      {{- end }}\n  tls:\n  - hosts:\n    - {{ .resource.host }}\n    secretName: {{ .resource.tls_secret_name }}\n"
  "criteria": [