Helm Chart Values

Description of the input values supported by the Humanitec Agent Helm Chart.


Property Type Description
humanitec object
humanitec.org string A comma-separated list of Humanitec Organizations that the Agent can be applied to.
humanitec.privateKey string Private key used by the Agent.
humanitec.existingSecret string Name of an existing secret containing the private key.
humanitec.existingSecretPrivateKeyKey string Private Key key on the existing secret.
humanitec.extraEnvVars array Provide an array of extra runtime environment variables for the Agent.
automountServiceAccountToken - See automountServiceAccountToken inside the Kubernetes Pod spec
image object
image.repository string The image repository
image.pullPolicy - See imagePullPolicy inside the Kubernetes Container spec
image.tag string Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
imagePullSecrets - See imagePullSecrets inside the Kubernetes Pod spec
nameOverride string Override the name of the chart
fullnameOverride string Override the full name of the chart
podAnnotations - See annotations inside the Object meta spec
podLabels - See labels inside the Object meta spec
podSecurityContext - See securityContext inside the Kubernetes Pod spec
securityContext - See securityContext inside the Kubernetes Container spec
resources - See resources inside the Kubernetes Container spec
nodeSelector - See nodeSelector inside the Kubernetes Pod spec
tolerations - See tolerations inside the Kubernetes Pod spec
affinity - See affinity inside the Kubernetes Pod spec