MVP guide

Identifying and Onboarding App 1 →

Overview # Selecting the first application to test your MVP and engaging with the corresponding application team are …

Overview →

Introduction # The Humanitec Minimum Viable Platform (MVP) program is a guided playbook that helps you get started …

Phase 1: Discovery →

Goal # The goal of the Business Track Discovery phase is to prepare for a successful MVP by preparing project management …

Phase 1: Discovery →

Goal # Watch our video providing an overview of the MVP Phase 1:   Delivery items # None for this track.

Phase 1: Discovery →

Goal # The goal of the Tech Track Discovery phase is to prepare for a successful MVP by completing initial evaluations …

Phase 2: Integration →

Goal # The goal of the Business Track Integration phase is to deliver the skeleton of your Return on Investment …

Phase 2: Integration →

Goal # The goal of the Security Track Integration phase is to run the cyber security assessment to greenlight your …

Phase 2: Integration →

Goal # The goal of the Tech Track Integration phase is to build the base platform that is ready to receive deployments. …

Phase 3: Deployment →

Goal # The goal of the Business Track Deployment phase is to plan your next steps. Watch our video providing an overview …

Phase 3: Deployment →

Goal # The goal of the Security Track Deployment phase is to make sure you are not missing anything. Watch our video …

Phase 3: Deployment →

Goal # The goal of the Tech Track Deployment phase is to prepare the test of the platform. Watch our video providing an …

Phase 4: Adoption →

Goal # The goal of the Business Track Adoption phase is to get final approval for the production readiness program. …

Phase 4: Adoption →

Goal # The goal of the Security Track Adoption phase is to make sure production is greenlighted. Watch our video …

Phase 4: Adoption →

Goal # The goal of the Tech Track Adoption phase is to test with application developers and plan out production …

Pre-MVP Checklist →

Any item not checked off will potentially delay the MVP and cost you money. Prepare Business Track work # Have you …

Pre-MVP Checklist →

Any item not checked off will potentially delay the MVP and cost you money. Prepare Tech Track work # Can technical work …

Production Readiness Checklist Platform →

Section 1 “Org level” is independent of the first app you onboard - start there! Section 2 (workload+env …
