

Welcome to the Humanitec Quickstart guide!

This guide is meant to be - as the name suggests - quick! You should be able to complete it in no more than 60 minutes. To live up to this promise, there are a few more assumptions than in the tutorials and other learning paths. In particular, this path takes a bring-your-own cluster approach, so it is an ideal stepping stone into working with the Platform Orchestrator and your own real infrastructure. As a fallback, convenience scripts are provided to create a temporary default cluster in one of the three major clouds.

This is what you will have learned and created after the Quickstart.

  • You will have your own Kubernetes cluster connected to the Platform Orchestrator
  • You will have configured the Orchestrator with your first Resource Definitions and thus made it possible to self-serve infrastructure as part of a Deployment
  • You will have deployed your first Application from development to staging and connected it to self-serve infrastructure
  • You will have learned all fundamental concepts around Score and the Orchestrator

Watch our video walking you through the Quickstart guide:



To get started you’ll need:

  1. A Humanitec account. If you don’t have one yet, sign up here for a free trial
  2. A Kubernetes cluster with a publicly accessible API server endpoint. You will connect this cluster to the Platform Orchestrator and deploy an Application onto it. The distribution and location do not matter.
  1. The following CLI tools:

    • Git
    • Terraform
    • kubectl with the current context set to your target cluster
    • humctl
    • The CLI for your respective cloud if you are using one, and an authenticated session:
      • aws for AWS
      • eksctl for AWS EKS (only when setting up a new cluster using the convenience script)
      • az for Azure
      • gcloud for GCP

Start by configuring your Environment.
