Cleaning up

Delete the Application. This will make the Platform Orchestrator remove all related Kubernetes objects:

humctl delete app ${HUMANITEC_APP}

Remove the custom namespace Resource Definition, unless you want to continue using it:

humctl delete -f custom-namespace.yaml

Remove the in-cluster PostgreSQL Resource Pack, unless you want to continue using it:

cd resource-packs-in-cluster/examples/postgres
terraform destroy --auto-approve
cd ../../..

Delete the cluster Resource Definition, unless you want to continue using it:

humctl delete -f resdef-${CLOUD}.yaml

Delete the Cloud Account and the associated cloud setup (principals, permissions) unless you want to continue using it:

. ./scripts/cleanup/cleanup-${CLOUD}.sh

If you set up a cluster using the convenience script, delete it again unless you want to continue using it:

. ./scripts/cleanup/delete-cluster-${CLOUD}.sh

Delete your local repository:

cd ..
rm -rf quickstart

Take a moment to recap what you learned in this Quickstart.
