Change Log

This document provides an overview of the changes we are making over time. Feel free to reach out to us in case of any specific questions.

December 20th, 2024

  • New: The new endpoint to display the resource graph of a deployment in a standalone page is now exposed:${HUMANITEC_ORG}/apps/${APP}/envs/${ENVIRONMENT}/resource-graph/${DEPLOYMENT_ID}.
  • New: The gcp-vertex-ai resource type has been added to the supported list .
  • New: The delete button has been added in the UI of the Cloud Accounts.
  • New: envFrom is now available in the default Workload Profiles (default-module, job and cronjob).
  • Improved: The humanitec/hpa Driver has been fixed.

Versioned component changes:

  • Humanitec CLI : A new version v0.36.0 is now available with the following improvements:
    • The new CLI cheat sheet page is out!
    • Update the humctl resources graph command to now open the resource graph in the new standalone page.
    • Add the new command humctl resources test-definition in order to locally test echo and template resource definitions.
    • Add ability to pin and unpin an active resource to specific resource definition version with humctl update active-resource pin|unpin.
    • Add the def_version_id and target_def_version_id fields in the detailed output of humctl resources active-resource-usage.
    • Fix Score extension file validation for humctl score validate --extensions with no image.

December 6th, 2024

Versioned component changes:

  • Humanitec Operator : A new chart version 0.3.9 and app version 0.16.8 has been released, including:

    • Fix to forbid referencing secrets from non-secret properties (breaking change notified to impacted customers).
  • Humanitec CLI : A new version v0.34.0 is now available with the following improvements:

    • Add Score extension file validation for humctl score validate --extensions.
    • Add ability to promote, archive and unarchive resource definitions with humctl update resource-definition-version promote|archive.
    • Fix stdin reading for humctl apply.

November 22nd, 2024

  • New There’s a new option available for Administrators in every environment called “Test cluster connection” that will test the ability of the Platform Orchestrator to connect to the cluster matched to this environment without performing a deployment.

Versioned component changes:

  • Humanitec Operator : A new chart version 0.3.7 and app version 0.16.5 has been released, including:

    • Improvement in writing resources cookies secrets.
  • Humanitec CLI : A new version v0.33.0 is now available with the following improvements:

    • Improvement in decoding score deploy config and yaml files.

November 8th, 2024

  • Improved: We’ve added the possibility of retrieving runtime information (including container logs) for workloads deployed in GitOps mode. More details on configuring it can be found here .

Versioned component changes:

  • Humanitec Operator : A new chart version 0.3.6 and app version 0.16.4 has been released, including:

    • Fix replacing placeholders in projected volumes.
  • Humanitec CLI : A new version v0.32.0 is now available with the following improvements:

    • Add the support of stdin for file argument.
    • Add the ability to do humctl api post request without data.
    • Add the support for force delete resource definitions via humctl delete --force|-F.
    • Fix listing shared values at environment level via humctl get value --env.
  • Humanitec Visual Studio Code extension : A new version v0.2.4 is now available with the following improvements:

    • Improvement in handling errors.

October 25th, 2024

  • Improved: The Artefact Contributor role at the Org level now matches the permissions of a Member role and additionally can push image build information.
  • Improved: The name of the default k8s-namespace resource definition has now a new value <app-id>-<env-id>-<4-random-alphanum> (instead of a UUID). No changes will happen to existing namespaces already deployed. However, new namespaces will follow the new structure.
  • Improved: The duplicated resources’s outputs in the UI (.-.) are now removed.

Versioned component changes:

  • Humanitec Operator : A new chart version 0.3.5 and app version 0.16.2 has been released, including:

    • Improvement in binary secrets support.
    • Improvement in propagating errors when deleting resources.
  • Humanitec Agent : A new helm chart version 1.2.8 and app version 1.8.2 have been released, featuring the following changes:

    • Support of the replicas for the Helm chart values .
    • Fix “global” Helm chart values validation to be used as sub-chart.
  • Humanitec CLI : A new version v0.31.0 is now available with the following improvements:

    • Improvement with the humctl deploy command to support the --wait parameter.
    • Adding completions for humctl get sub-commands.

October 11th, 2024

Versioned component changes:

  • Humanitec Operator : A new chart version 0.3.3 and app version 0.16.0 has been released, including:

    • Improvement in handling multiple errors in resources.
  • Humanitec CLI : A new version v0.30.3 is now available with the following improvements:

    • Improvement with the humctl apply -f command to support the new humanitec/terraform-runner resource definition driver type.
  • Humanitec Visual Studio Code extension : A new version v0.2.3 is now available with the following improvements:

    • Improvement in handling errors.

September 27th, 2024

  • Improved: The cleanup of namespace and resources when Applications or Environments are deleted has been optimized and improved.
  • Improved: The reporting of multiple errors in some deployment scenarios with multiple dependencies has been improved.
  • Improved: The default-humanitec-dns and default-humanitec-tls-cert now supports Direct mode (formerly known as Operator mode) for the Humanitec Operator. Learn more about this managed domain .
  • Improved: More usability improvements for the Catalog of Resource Classes in the UI.
  • Improved: The Environment name when creating a new Environment via the UI is now enforced to the correct ID formatting.

Versioned component changes:

  • Humanitec Operator : A new chart version 0.3.1 and app version 0.15.10 has been released, including:

    • Force redeployment of Pods when Secrets change.
    • Fix Driver Account update in resource definition not taken into account.
  • Humanitec CLI : A new version v0.30.2 is now available with the following improvements:

    • Simplify the default output of the humctl get active-resources command.
  • Humanitec Terraform Provider : A new version v1.6.6 is now available with the following improvements:

    • Adds two retries for any idempotent request failures or timeouts.

September 13th, 2024

  • Improved: The visual rendering of the resource dependency graph has now colorful icons and the direction of the nodes are now from left-right instead of top-bottom.
  • Improved: The k8s-cluster-gke resource type now optionally supports the use of the internal endpoint IP address of the GKE cluster.
  • New: The catalog of resource classes by resource type can now be managed via the UI in “Classes” tab of the “Resources” section.
  • New: The azure-storage-account, azure-storage-account-key and azure-service-principal resource types have been added to the supported list .
  • New: A new for field has been added to the inputs of the resource types. This allows to support scenario where Developers need to inject static credentials in their container’s environment variables to access cloud resources. As a result, the aws-role resource type is now a direct resource.
  • Deprecated: The use of an SSH bastion host with the Database Drivers is considered deprecated. Users using the Over SSH approach are encouraged to migrate to the Via Humanitec Agent approach.

Versioned component changes:

  • Humanitec Operator : A new chart version 0.2.12 and app version 0.15.6 has been released, including:

    • Optional way to use an HTTP(S) proxy to connect to Humanitec-hosted drivers. Associated documentation has been updated.
    • Support of the Red Hat certified image: -ubi-minimal.
    • Fix the deletion of a resource when it was provisioned with another driver.
    • Fix the retry http driver requests before incrementing attempts.
  • Humanitec CLI : A new version v0.30.1 is now available with the following improvements:

    • Update humctl apply -f and humctl create -f to reject resource definitions with unknown fields in driver inputs.
    • New humctl resources check-account command.
    • New humctl resources check-connectivity --app --env --env-type command.

August 16th, 2024

  • New: The visual rendering of the resource dependency graph is now available in the UI on the associated tab of a deployment.
  • New: The validation of the AWS, GCP, or Azure Cloud Account credentials is now directly available via the UI without having to run a deployment.

August 2nd, 2024

  • New: The catalog of resource classes by resource type is now available. Associated documentation has been updated. All classes previously defined in resource definitions matching criteria have been seamlessly migrated to this new classes catalog.

Versioned component changes:

  • Humanitec Operator : A new chart version 0.2.9 and app version 0.15.2 has been released, including:

    • Fix volume provisioning.
  • Humanitec Agent : A new helm chart version 1.2.6 and app version 1.8.1 have been released, featuring the following changes:

    • Support proxy configuration.
  • Humanitec CLI : A new version v0.29.0 is now available with the following improvements:

    • humctl create env has now the --from parameter as optional.
    • humctl score validate now checks resource classes.
    • humctl get deploy . -o json has now the dependency_graph_id field.
    • humanitec/cli container image is now based on distroless.
  • Humanitec Terraform Provider : A new version v1.6.5 is now available with the following improvements:

    • Handle resources deleted outside TF provider.
  • Humanitec Visual Studio Code extension : A new version v0.2.2 is now available with the following improvements:

    • Better support of the new catalog of resource classes.
    • Open resource type documentation to not scroll to selected type.

July 19th, 2024

Versioned component changes:

  • Humanitec Operator : A new chart version 0.2.8 and app version 0.15.0 has been released, including:

    • The arm64 image is now available.
  • Humanitec Agent : A new helm chart version 1.2.3 and app version 1.7.0 have been released, featuring the following changes:

    • The arm64 image is now available.
    • The description of the input values supported is now documented here .
  • Humanitec CLI : Version v0.27.0 is now available with the following improvements:

    • A class column as been added to the output of the humctl get resources active-resource command.
    • humctl score deploy now correctly fails when positional arguments are provided.
    • humctl score deploy no longer requires artefact-contributor role.
    • humctl create value now supports --is-secret-refs.
  • Humanitec Terraform Provider : A new version v1.6.3 is now available with the following improvements:

    • Now showing the terraform block in the example usage

June 21st, 2024

  • New: The humanitec/setup-cli-action@v1 GitHub action now supports version ranges which allows for example to subscribe to the latest release within a major version to not miss out on new functionalities and improvements while ensuring backwards compatibility.

  • Improved: Temporary credentials for AWS (Role Assumption) now support regional STS endpoints through an sts_region property .

  • Improved: When a Resource Account cannot be deleted due to Resource Definitions or Active Resources still using it, the API response now returns details about the resources that prevent the deletion.

  • Improved: Clearer and more meaningful error messages for failed deployments via Agent: AGE-001 and AGE-002 .

Versioned component changes:

  • Humanitec CLI : Version v0.25.3 including a fix for missing driver_account in active resources, local validation of organization id and humctl login behavior improvements.

June 14th, 2024

  • New: A VSCode Extension for Humanitec is now available. Learn more about features such as displaying the resource graph or validating your Score files in the VSCode Marketplace .

  • Improved: Enhanced filter functionality in the resource definition usage tab, allowing you to filter your active resources by items such as application or environment.

Versioned component changes:

  • Humanitec Operator : A new chart version 0.2.5 and app version 0.13.1 has been released, including:

    • Bug fixes, such as re-using deleted cookie secrets in AWS and Azure secret managers.
    • Printing custom resource statuses to kubectl output.
  • Humanitec CLI : Version 0.25.2 is now available with the following improvements:

    • You can now set configuration values directly in the .humctl file using the humctl config set command. This simplifies the process of managing and updating configuration settings, ensuring efficient command execution. Example: humctl config set <key> <value>.
    • Docker images are now tagged in multiple formats, providing more flexibility and control over which version of the Docker image you wish to use. Available tags: :major (e.g., 0), :minor (e.g., 0.25), :version (full version, e.g., 0.25.2).
  • Humanitec Terraform Provider : A new version v1.6.2 has been released including the following changes:

    • Mark resource-definition driver_type as updatable.
    • Fix resource-definition secret references with null values.

May 31st, 2024

  • New: Added support for resource definition versions . This allows you to retrieve previous versions of any resource definition, including deleted ones.

  • Improved: Deleted resource definitions no longer remain in a “pending deletion” state until all active resources have been re-deployed with a new resource definition. Instead, active resources are now linked to a version of the resource definition, allowing for the immediate deletion of the resource definition itself.

  • Changed: Default resource definitions can now be enabled or disabled via the matching criteria tab in the UI. To do this through the API , simply set the class property to an empty value: {class: ''}.

Versioned component changes:

  • Humanitec Operator : A new chart version 0.2.4 and app version 0.13.0 has been released, including clean-up optimization:

    • After a driver has been updated, the resource provisioned with the old driver is now automatically de-provisioned.
  • Humanitec Agent : A new helm chart version 1.1.0 and app version 1.4.0 have been released, featuring the following changes:

    • A distroless base image is now used by default.
    • The service account token is no longer automatically mounted by default (automountServiceAccountToken: false).

May 17th, 2024

  • New: Added support for GCP dynamic credentials in Terraform Driver. Visit this documentation page for an example of how to create a Google Cloud Storage bucket using dynamic credentials defined via a Cloud Account.

  • Changed: New environments no longer need to be based on existing successful deployments. This means that you can now set up an environment structure for a new application before any deployments. The change is available through API and Terraform Provider; CLI and UI updates will follow shortly.

Versioned component changes:

  • Humanitec CLI : Version 0.23.2 is now available with improved static validation error messages and fix in create app command’s help description.

  • Humanitec Terraform Provider : A new version v1.5.1 has been released including the following changes:

    • Added support for environment resource which allows to create, delete and modify environments.
    • The config file can now be used to pass tokens, organization IDs, and API prefixes. By default, the .humctl file in the home directory generated by the CLI is used.
    • The host keyword is now changed to apiPrefix to be consistent with the CLI .
  • Humanitec Operator : A new chart version 0.2.3 and app version 0.12.3 including these changes:

    • Users of the Kubernetes authentication method in Vault can now set a non-default mount path. It allows using the same Vault instance from multiple clusters.
    • Added support for Vault Enterprise namespaces, which allows the creation of multi-tenant environments.
    • Added CA Bundle property to support Vault configured on HTTPS.

May 3rd, 2024

Versioned component changes:

April 19th, 2024

  • New: Default resource definitions can now be enabled and disabled per organization by adding or removing the {"class":"default"} matching criteria from the resource definition. This feature is currently available on the API and will soon be integrated into the UI as well.

  • Improved: Added support for an Application ID matching criteria for deployment pipelines in the UI, enabling pipelines to match all deployment requests across the entire application.

  • Changed: The list of source IPs for Humanitec has been extended with additional addresses. Please review your firewall’s allow list to ensure it matches the updated list.

Versioned component changes:

  • Humanitec Terraform Provider : As part of the v1.3.0 release, a series of improvements have been added:

    • Added user resource that allows creating new service users
    • Added service user token resource that enables generating user service tokens via Terraform and using them e.g. in deployment pipelines
    • Updated Humanitec source IPs with additional IP addresses that need to be whitelisted in the firewall setup
    • Added support for updating env-type description
    • Added users data source that allows to list all users within an organization and filter them by ID, name, or email
    • Added ability to set operator key using Terraform
  • Humanitec Operator : A new chart version 0.1.10 and app version 0.11.3 including the following changes has been published:

    • Deployment no longer fails when waiting for pending dependent resources
    • Projected volume secret is no longer overwritten with multiple workloads
    • Previous manifests are cleaned up when a resource is updated to not provision a container manifest anymore
    • Starting with this release, the image and Helm chart are located in new registries. The image is now available at, while the Helm chart has been transferred to oci://
  • Humanitec CLI : Version 0.21.0 is now available which includes the following changes:

    • humctl score deploy to deploy your score files using humctl. This release also includes the --deploy-config flag to include multiple files in one deployment
    • Addressed issues with invalid status codes on the environment and environment-type updates
    • Enabled login
    • Enhanced error handling mechanism for improved efficiency

April 5th, 2024

  • New: Introduced a user details page for an overview of user information and RBAC settings. Access it by clicking on a user’s name in the Organization Members page.

  • New: Added support for two new properties in the Terraform Driver :

  • Fixed: Resolved issue where long email addresses caused the UI to break on the Organization Members page.

Versioned component changes:

  • Humanitec Operator : A new chart version 0.1.7 and app version 0.11.0 has been released. The number of provisioning attempts by the resource driver (3 by default) is now configurable, which addresses the issue of long deployments being marked as timeouts in certain instances.

March 22nd, 2024

  • New: Each workload screen in an active deployment in the UI now shows more information on the resource used to provision the workload.

  • New: The Pods status section in a workload view now explicitly highlights any pods running in a previous revision to better visualize the workload’s state.

  • Improved: The artefact trigger in Humanitec Pipelines now enforces serial execution, so a batch will be kept open until the previous batch has finished running. No explicit concurrency-group setting is required.

  • Improved: Terraform Driver now provides a more meaningful message when the service account specified in the external runner configuration does not exist in the target namespace.

  • Fixed: Minor RBAC issue that hid the option to create new applications in UI for users with the Manager role.

Versioned component changes:

  • Humanitec CLI : Version 0.18.0 is now available. Changes since the last announcement:

    • 0.17.0 adding a new --fail flag for humctl api command to exit with a non-zero exit code for response >= 400.
    • 0.16.1 introducing the --strict flag for the score validate command, ensuring it fails on warnings.
    • 0.15.0 adding the possibility to filter active resource usage by deployment.
  • Humanitec Terraform Provider : A new version v1.1.0 has been released, adding Terraform resources to manage Workload Profiles and Workload Profile Chart Versions.

March 8th, 2024

  • New: Introduced Deployment Pipelines, which allow to configure multi-step workflows and automate common processes and interactions around Applications and Environments. You can find more information in the updated developer documentation and the release announcement on our blog.

  • New: The Terraform Driver can be configured to run in a target Kubernetes cluster instead of the Humanitec infrastructure. Learn more here .

  • New: Added a rich set of examples for Score and Resource Management related capabilities (Pipelines to follow soon). Explore the full collection here .

  • Improved: Deleting a Resource Definition in UI is now also possible from its details view, not only the list of all resource definitions.

  • Fixed: Resources of type base-env are now consistently listed in the shared resources section of the UI (even in cases of long provisioning times).

Versioned component changes:

  • Humanitec Agent : A new version 1.1.7 has been made available. This release includes a check on agent startup to validate the ids in the ORGS list as valid Humanitec ids.

  • Humanitec Operator : A new version has been published. Chart version 0.1.6 and app version 0.10.2 including cookies secrets storage optimization (including GCP cleanup).

  • Humanitec CLI : Version 0.14.2 is now available. Changes since last announcement:

    • 0.14.0 Introducing additional commands:
      • humctl score init simplifies your next score configuration with a score starter file.
      • humctl score validate to validate your score file locally.
      • humctl score available-resource-types to list available resource types to be used.
      • humctl resources graph to inspect your resource graph.
    • 0.14.2 is now installing shell completions on osx by default when using brew for an improved UX.
  • Humanitec Terraform Provider : A new version v1.0.1 has been released, introducing example of a resource definition with secret_refs and private git.

  • score-humanitec : A new version 0.10.2 has been released.

February 23rd, 2024

  • New: Introduced the Delete Active Resources API , allowing to detach an active resource. A detached resource remains intact but is no longer connected to the Platform Orchestrator.

  • Fixed: Switching frequently between Organizations no longer causes loading issues within an Application.

  • Improved: Tables with more than five entries now display a count at the bottom, indicating the total number of items.

Versioned component changes:

  • Humanitec Agent : A new version 1.1.6 has been released:

    • Fixed a bug related to simultaneous liveness check routines being sent to the same tunnel.
    • Updated the wstunnel library version for improved logging.
  • Humanitec CLI : Version 0.13.5 is now available, featuring support for resource accounts.

  • Humanitec Terraform Provider : As part of the v1.0.0 release, all deprecated resources have been removed. If you haven’t migrated yet, you can pin the provider to the latest v0 version using:

terraform {
  required_providers {
    humanitec = {
      source  = "humanitec/humanitec"
      version = "~> 0"

February 9th, 2024

  • Improved: The “status” tab on the environments page now updates without requiring a hard refresh in certain instances when loading new deployments. Additionally, the “deployments” tab now displays the latest deployment.

  • Improved: Various minor UI enhancements have been implemented, including:

    • Addition of “Created at” and “Created by” details to resource definitions .
    • Standardization of timestamp formats across the UI.
    • Improved visibility of container logs through timestamp highlighting.
  • Changed: Shared values and secrets are now validated to ensure they don’t start with a digit. This prevents potential deployment failures when these values are referenced as part of a placeholder .

Versioned component changes:

  • Humanitec Operator : A new version has been published. Chart version 0.1.4 and app version 0.10.0 include:

    • Support for Azure workload identity.
    • Improvements in resource status observability.
    • Support for pod labels in the Operator’s chart.
  • score-humanitec : A new version 0.10.1 has been released:

    • Support for -i|--image flag, allowing to specify the image to override when the image property in a Score file has the value . ( PR #69 ).
    • Support for allowing multiple resource classes for a single resource ID ( issue #67 ).
  • Humanitec CLI : A new version 0.13.3 has been made available.

January 26th, 2024

  • New: Introduced a “status” tab on the enviornment page, providing a view of the currently active deployment, including workloads and shared resources.

  • Improved: Status messaging in the UI. This addresses a series of issues related to inconsistent runtime statuses, ensuring a more reliable user experience.

  • Fixed: Matching criteria in UI no longer throw an error if a dot . is used in the Resource ID field. This allows to specify values such as or for example.

  • Fixed: It is now possible to use the Terraform Driver with repositories hosted in Azure DevOps, resolving any previous compatibility issues.

Versioned component changes:

January 12th, 2024

  • New: Added support for Resource Classes in the UI. This provides a way for teams to specialize the type of a resource e.g. external or sensitive S3 bucket.

  • New: Introduced support for co-provisioning of resources in the UI. This allows for additional resources to be added to the Resource Graph without a Resource Reference required.

  • Improved: Enhanced the design and layout of the replica section in the UI, ensuring consistent status updates and improved error visibility.

  • Fixed: Resolved an issue where signing up with Google failed silently in certain instances. Users can now sign up without any disruptions.

Versioned component changes:

December 22nd, 2023

Happy holidays! Our product engineering team will be taking a break until January 2024. Stay tuned for our next update in the new year!

December 9th, 2023

  • Improved: Placeholder highlighting in the UI now supports Resource Selectors . Resource Selectors extend the syntax of Resource Reference Placeholders by appending either a > or a < symbol.

  • Fixed: The organisation switcher in the UI is now accessible from the /profile-settings page.

  • Improved: Tooltips have been refined to prevent cutoff or overflow issues in the UI.

November 24th, 2023

  • Changed: Humanitec IDs have been updated:

    • Minimum length requirement reduced to 2 characters.
    • Consecutive dashes are no longer permitted.
  • Fixed: Updating the port input of a resource definition in the UI no longer causes unexpected errors.

  • Fixed: Private resource dependencies are cleared from the UI upon deletion.

  • Fixed: The “Sign in with Google” button on the login page no longer flickers intermittently in the UI.

November 10th, 2023

  • New: We’ve introduced a new UI for managing service users in Humanitec, enhancing the security and transparency of API token management. For detailed information, check out the release announcement on our blog.

  • Fixed: The issue causing the UI to freeze when specifying an image by name while creating a new container for a workload has been resolved.

  • Improved: UI timestamps now include the timezone, offering context for tracking work within the UI.

October 20th, 2023

  • New: The Humanitec Terraform driver is now generally available. Following a successful experimental beta phase, we have addressed implementation gaps, resulting in a more robust and reliable user experience. Check out the feature announcement for more details.

  • Improved: Lowered the latency on all authorization-related API calls through a new authorization management system, ensuring faster and more responsive interactions across our platform.

  • Fixed: Issue with the container probe header editing that incorrectly created a new entry instead of replacing content in the existing one.

  • Fixed: Long inputs for shared values no longer overflow in the UI.

September 15th, 2023

  • New: To make Humanitec’s UI more intuitive and easier to learn, we have reworked the information architecture of all subpages in the Applications navigation item. You can find more details on the changes in the release announcement on our blog.

  • New: The UI for cloning deployments to an existing environment has been revamped, making it easier for developers to control the state of their target environment. Check out the release announcement on our blog for more information.

  • Fixed: Issue where re-deploying a past deployment would generate two new draft deltas instead of one.

September 1st, 2023

  • New: Added support for the grpc type for liveness and readiness probes .

  • New: Added support for loading skeletons in the UI to indicate that data is still being loaded.

  • Fixed: Setting a number in the path field of a liveness probe in the UI no longer results in a failed deployment.

  • Fixed: Several minor UX improvements have been implemented:

    • Info icon tooltips now open on keyboard focus.
    • Validation for workload names has been extended to exclude names starting with a number or a dash, as these result in failed deployments.
    • Invalid email addresses can no longer be submitted when adding new members to an organization.
    • An error is shown in the UI when a user attempts to sign up with an existing organization name.

August 18th, 2023

  • New: The resource graph API endpoint allows developers to access the resource graph before deployment. This enables them to assess any changes to resources before initiating a new deployment.

  • Improved: After registering for a new Humanitec account, a loading page has been introduced to signal the organization creation process.

  • Improved: Several minor UX improvements have been implemented:

    • The visibility of the checkmark icon has been improved in the dark theme.
    • The name of a duplicated workload is now limited to a maximum of 50 characters, the same as for non-duplicated workloads.
    • The phrasing on the cronjob schedule modal has been adjusted to no longer display “edit” when in view-only mode.
  • Improved: Network API errors are now displayed in the UI during the creation or modification of resource definitions .

  • Fixed: Users who lack the permission to create drafts can no longer see the “Create draft from diff” button on the compare deployments page.

August 4th, 2023

July 21st, 2023

  • Fixed: Issues with webhook triggers component that prevented users from resetting it to individual triggers after being set to All triggers.

  • Fixed: Values from input fields in read-only mode are now fully accessible and scrollable.

  • Fixed: The autocomplete list of users is no longer exceeding the width of the name input field in Application’s People management screen .

July 7th, 2023

  • Fixed: The environment status for a successfully deployed AKS cluster is no longer shown as stopped.

  • Fixed: Selecting cancel on the filter for resource definitions in the UI now successfully clears any configured filters.

  • Improved: A number of issues related to content overflowing in the UI:

June 16th, 2023

June 2nd, 2023

May 19th, 2023

May 5th, 2023

April 21st, 2023

April 7th, 2023

March 24th, 2023

March 10th, 2023

February 24th, 2023

  • New: Release of a new resource management screen . This UI update includes a redesign of existing features as well as support for new functionality to increase observability and control for platform teams. Check out the feature announcement on our blog to learn more.

  • New: Extended MariaDB and MySQL driver inputs with optional parameter privilege list that will be applied to the generated user.

  • Fixed: It is now possible to use browser’s native Back button to return to the App Overview screen .

  • Fixed: Trailing whitespace characters are no longer removed from Shared App Values and Secrets inputs.

  • Fixed: Creating a delta via the API and navigating to it by updating the draft id in the URL no longer causes the UI to be unresponsive.

  • Fixed: Long deployment comments no longer overflow on the deployment diff dialog box.

  • Fixed: To avoid disruption of ongoing deployments it is no longer possible to trigger a new deployment while a deployment is in progress.

  • Changed: Cloning a whole environment now matches the process for cloning individual workloads. In both cases a new delta is created in the target environment.

February 3rd, 2023

January 20th, 2023

January 6th, 2023

December 23rd, 2022

December 2nd, 2022

  • New: Released Pausing & Resuming of Environments feature which allows you to scale down all of the Workloads of type Deployment to 0 replicas with one click of a button or single API call. Resuming the environment will scale the Workloads back to the number of replicas that were set at the time of pausing. This can help you save costs on unused infrastructure. You can find more information in our documentation .

  • Improved: There is no longer a limit of the number of Applications users can create via the UI.

  • Fixed: The Profile Settings page now correctly lists users’ roles on all Organisations they are a member of.

  • Fixed: Resolved an issue where Placeholder autocompletion would not work properly with inputs typed manually and not selected from the dropdown.

November 11th, 2022

  • New: Added autocompletion of placeholders in labels, variables and files properties of a Workload in Deployment Sets .

  • Improved: Performance of the All deployment versions functionality in the App Details Screen for Applications with a large number of past deployments.

  • Fixed: Image version selector no longer requests all versions even if show archived option wasn’t checked. It caused performance issues for images with a large number of archived versions.

  • Fixed: Long Deploy comments no longer affect accessibility and alignment of action buttons in active deployment cards on the App Details Screen .

  • Fixed: An issue related to failing Deployment Diff of a past deployment after adding a Shared Resource .

October 28th, 2022

  • New: Introduced a new API and updated UI which allow for image management at scale. Users can now identify, filter, archive and update images and their versions with ease. More detailed information on new capabilities can be found in the feature announcement article on Humanitec’s blog.

  • Fixed: Provisioning a resource with an invalid placeholder now returns the expected error code with a more descriptive message.

October 7th, 2022

September 2nd, 2022

August 12th, 2022

July 22nd, 2022

July 8th, 2022

June 17th, 2022

  • New: Removing a resource definition that has active resources depending on it will mark it as Pending deletion in the UI until all the resources associated with it are re-deployed.

  • Changed: Implemented a dedicated view-, add-, and edit-mode for several components to give users more control when making changes in the UI. See the App Members section as an example:

  • Changed: The colour contrast of the dark- and light theme according to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1.

  • Fixed: Error messages no longer persist between the configuration overlays in the Accounts section of the Organization Settings Page .

June 3rd, 2022

  • Improved: The user experience for working with cronjob schedules in the UI. Cron expressions…

    • can be pasted into any of the schedule input fields.
    • can be copied.
    • are translated into human readable text.
  • Fixed: On the Resource Management Page , deleting a matching criteria that has active resources associated with it no longer silently fails in the UI. The action has to be confirmed by the user.

  • Fixed: An interaction bug related to the population of secret values in the shared values and secrets overrides component.

  • Fixed: The handling of placeholder values when configuring a resource definition on the Resource Management Page . As usual, a literal ${ can be inserted by escaping the { with a backslash.

May 20th, 2022

May 6th, 2022

April 22nd, 2022

  • New: Added support for Resource References , which allow to reference the outputs of other resources from within Resource Definitions .

  • New: Images can now be added by image name. This allows to create container objects in Workloads that pull from registries not registered with Humanitec as described here .

  • Fixed: An interaction bug related to copying the ingress path on running deployments.

  • Improved: Error messages for driver connection failures on cloudsql postgres database instances are now being fully surfaced in the UI.

April 8th, 2022

  • Fixed: The UI no longer prevents users from updating the credentials of an existing resource definition on the Resource Management Page .

  • Fixed: For existing resource definitions utilizing the humanitec/template driver, updating one field will no longer clear the adjacent input field.

  • Fixed: The validation of sub-directories specified as part of volume mounts on the Workload Details Page .

  • Fixed: Changes made to the service account of a Workload are no longer discarded if no container has been added yet.

  • Fixed: Added support for pinning Workloads via the pin to top button on Firefox.

  • Fixed: A number of small interaction bugs with duplicate or persisting error messages.

March 11th, 2022

  • Fixed: Workloads based on the default-cronjob profile are no longer marked as failed in a running deployment when there is no failure.

  • Fixed: When editing an existing resource definition on the Resource Management Page:

    • Driver input values are reflected correctely in the UI.
    • The UI no longer forces an update of secret values.
  • Fixed: When inviting a new user to an Organization that is already a member of a different Organization the UI no longer incorrectly displays an error message.

  • Fixed: Drafts based on deployment clones no longer persist in the UI after being deployed.

  • Fixed: The Service account field on the Workload Details Page can now be cleared.

  • Fixed: Workloads can be pinned via the pin to top button on the App Details Page.

  • Fixed: App- and workload level environment variables can have empty values.

  • Improved: The design of several resource icons on the Resource Management Page.

February 25th, 2022

  • Fixed: A deployment issue with Postgres resources.

  • Fixed: An interaction bug related to editing existing Volume Mounts on the Workload Details Page.

  • Fixed: Creating a draft from a deployment diff no longer times out in the UI.

  • Improved: Service and container ports configured on the Workload Details Page must be in the range 1 - 65535.

February 11th, 2022

  • Fixed: The authentication flow for active Humanitec users accepting invites to a new Organization.

  • Fixed: A temporary authentication issue related to new users accepting invites to an Organization.

  • Fixed: An interaction bug related to discarding deployment clones in the UI.

  • Fixed: Error messages on the “Create new environment” overlay and the “Account details” form are no longer hidden in the UI.

  • Improved: Nested values are now supported by the resource Details overlay on the App Details- and Workload Details Page of running deployments.

  • Improved: Error message handling for users attempting to log in without a registered GitHub or Google account.

  • Improved: Existing Volume Mounts are now validated in the UI when being updated.

January 21st, 2022

  • New: Added support for Service Ports on the Workload Details Page.

  • Fixed: Corrected form validation on the “Accept Invite” page.

  • Fixed: Switching Organization on the App Details or Workload Details Page no longer causes a “We can’t find the app you are looking for” error (403).

  • Fixed: Defining Volume Mounts for shared Persistent Volume resources no longer causes a deployment to fail.

  • Fixed: Several UI issues, including:

    • The user-dropdown on the “Manage deployers for x environment type” overlay as well as the image-dropdown on the “Create new container” overlay are no longer cut off.
    • Removed redundant “More” link on dropdown menus.
    • A number of interaction bugs with discarding deployment clones in the UI.
  • Changed: Initial input validation is triggered on submit instead of on blur in the majority of cases.

January 7th, 2022

  • Improved: Custom Workload Profiles based on supported features are dynamically displayed and editable in the UI.

  • New: Added support for Labels & Annotations on the Workload Details Page.

  • New: Added support for CronJobs on the Workload Details Page.

  • Fixed: On the App Details Page, Workload error states are now being indicated on the Workload card.

  • Fixed: The edit overlay of Kubernetes cluster resources with the humanitec/k8s-cluster-eks driver no longer displays incorrect form parameters.

  • Fixed: An Environment Type can now be deleted in the UI if an environment with the same ID exists in the active Organization.

  • Fixed: The “Deploy changes” confirmation overlay no longer reloads after being submitted via keyboard enter.

  • Fixed: Validation of the “Resource ID” matching criterion on the Resource Management Page.

  • Fixed: Several UI issues, including:

    • Corrected routing of “Back to” button on the Organization Settings Page.
    • Updated “Learn more” link for Workload level error messages.
    • Removed duplicate Ingress resource type from Resource Management Page.
    • Improved handling of special characters in the Deployment Diff.

December 17th, 2021

  • Fixed: When deleting a shared Persistent Volume resource, associated Volume Mounts are automatically removed from the Workload as well.

  • Fixed: Environment variables no longer throw an error for empty values.

  • Fixed: A Safari browser compatability issue.

December 3rd, 2021

  • Fixed: Creating a new webhook no longer throws an error.

  • Fixed: It is no longer possible to switch the driver when editing an existing resource definition.

  • Fixed: A number of smaller interaction bugs with setting resource requirements for CPU and Memory.

  • Fixed: The help modal is fully accessible on the log in page again.

November 17th, 2021

  • New: Added Cloudflare to the Accounts section in the UI.

  • Changed: Workloads are added via an overlay which allows users to change the underlying Workload Profile if needed.

  • Improved: A containers maximum and minimum resource requirements for CPU and Memory can now be cleared in the UI. This enables full support for all QoS (Quality of Service) classes in Kubernetes: BestEffort, Burstable and Guaranteed.

  • Fixed: An interaction bug related to selecting “all images except” on the environment automation component.

  • Fixed: An interaction bug related to duplicating Workloads.

  • Fixed: Several UX issues in relation to selecting and deleting draft deployments.

  • Fixed: The scaling of replicas on the Workload Details Page of a running deployment is no longer limited to two. In addition to that can a Workload temporarily be disabled by scaling its replicas down to 0.

  • Fixed: Validation for volume mount path now correctly requires a rooted path with at least 1 directory.

  • Improved: Accessibility according to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1:

    • Improved app content for screen readers.
    • Improved keyboard accessibility of submenus and toggles.

October 29th, 2021

  • New: Added support for updating Resource Account credentials.

  • New: Added a “Status” column to the Organization Members list. After an invitation is sent, the user’s status is pending. When the recipient accepts the invitation, their user status switches to active.

  • New: The user role is now visible on the Profile Settings Page.

  • Fixed: Reselecting the currently active Organization in the Organization Menu no longer makes a hard refresh of the App Overview Page necessary.

  • Improved: Users are notified if their currently active environment on the App Details Page has been deleted and are automatically directed to the next environment.

  • Improved: Keyboard accessibility according to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1:

    • (Un-)pinning of Workloads.
    • Editing of Files on the Workload Details Page.

October 19th, 2021

  • Changed: Resources are no longer managed as “Dynamic Resources” and “Static Resources” in the Organization Settings. The implementation of a new Resources Management screen instead allows to manage the provisioning and allocation of resources in one place.

  • New: Next to Environment Types, Resource Definitions can now be matched to Environment Names, Apps as well as Resource IDs in the UI.

  • Changed: Organization Settings and Resources Management were moved from the User Menu to the Organization Menu.

  • Changed: Accounts are now managed from a separate tab in the Organization Settings. Users can dynamically reference existing accounts when configuring resources from the Resources Management screen.

  • New: It is now possible to define headers for “HTTP link” Liveness and Readiness probes on the Workload Details Page.

  • Improved: If a shared DNS resource is deleted, associated Ingress paths are automatically removed from the according Workloads as well.

  • Improved: Accessibility according to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1:

    • Enhanced keyboard accessibility throughout the application.
    • Improved website content for screen readers.
  • Fixed: The UI no longer forces updates of secrets when editing an existing Resource Definition.

  • Fixed: Several interaction bugs when (de-)activating environment automation rules.

  • Fixed: The “Manage versions” overlay for Images in the Organization Settings no longer throws an error for images without an image tag.

  • Fixed: Several UI issues, including:

    • The user dropdown on the “Manage deployers” overlay no longer opens by default and blocks the view.
    • The “Active” toggle on the Webhooks component is no longer clickable by users in Developer role.
    • Error states are no longer shared between account configuration overlays.
    • Switching between drafts no longer causes issues on the UI.

September 10th, 2021

  • Improved: Numerous accessibility improvements for keyboard only users.

  • Improved: Better icons for resources.

  • Fixed: Corrected validation for namespace and container names.

  • Fixed: Resources not duplicated when workload duplicated.

  • Fixed: Placeholders for shared resources not expanded in Config Map.

  • Fixed: Better handling of long app and environment names.

  • Fixed: Organization names overflow organization-switcher dropdown.

  • Fixed: Menus at the bottom of lists are truncated as they go off the screen.

  • Fixed: Some resource and workload creation actions were not possible for users with some roles.

  • Fixed: Number of small interaction bugs with managing roles for users.

  • Fixed: Clone functionality in some cases is missing view of detailed changes.

  • Fixed: Discard clone causes a page refresh.

August 27th, 2021

  • New: Added support for custom Workload Profiles in the UI. Next to the default profile default-module users now have the option to choose a different profile according to their use case. Container images are added in a second step on the Workload Details Page.

  • New: Resources can now be provisioned on App level. On the Application Details Page, users have the option to add shared resources that can be referenced within the Workloads of their App.

  • New: Added support for partial clones. Instead of cloning the entire deployment by default, users can now choose to include / not include certain Workloads in their clone.

  • New: Added a ... settings icon to App cards with shortcuts to “View”, “Settings” and “Delete”.

  • New: Users using ad-blockers are now warned that some features will not be available to them in the Humanitec UI. The reason for this is that Humanitec uses a system called Optimizely for UI feature flags. If a user has ad blocking services enabled that block calls to Optimizely, it has to be manually removed from the blacklist in the ad-blocking extension in order to access all Humanitec features.

  • Improved: Container images are now sorted by date.

  • Improved: Several UI components have been transformed into link elements that allows users to open them in a separate browser tab.

  • Changed: The design of several UI components:

    • Increased color contrasts in the light theme.
    • Increased the font size of label elements.
    • Adjusted the design of tooltips.
    • Intensified the border color of Workloads in the “Has changes” state.
  • Changed: The following wordings:

    • External resources has been renamed to Resource dependencies on the Workload Details Page.
    • The Close button has been replaced with a Back to ... button.
  • Fixed: Draft deployments are now accessible during running deployments.

  • Fixed: It is no longer possible to create Workloads in deleted Environments.

  • Fixed: Ports defined for liveness and readiness probes in the container configuration section are now displayed on the Workload Details Page of running deployments.

  • Fixed: The Deploy button was renamed to Re-Deploy for active deployments.

August 13th, 2021

  • Fixed: Draft deployments can now be accessed while a deployment is in progress.

  • Fixed: The environment status no longer defaults to “Stopped” after a successful deployment.

  • Fixed: Several UI issues, including:

    • Entering multiple Placeholder Paths into the Value field of the Variables component no longer breaks the UI.
    • Placeholder Paths in the Value field of the Variables component now support dash characters.
    • The “More Environments” dropdown on the App Details Page no longer overflows for large amount of environments.
  • Improved: Keyboard accessibility according to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1.

July 16th, 2021

Nothing to report for todays product update as our team has been taking some well earned time off in the past 2 weeks. The next update will be published on August 13th.

July 2nd, 2021

  • New: Workload cards can now be pinned to the top of the App Details Page. This allows users to set focus on most relevant workloads in the UI.

  • New: Dynamic resources can now be connected to Humanitec via Azure accounts.

  • Changed: The deploy button has been moved into the draft- and deployment list items on the left hand side of the App Details Page.

  • Improved: Humanitec’s accessibility according to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1:

    • Improved keyboard accessibility with focus on links, table-, and list components.
    • Improved navigation flows throughout the application.
  • Fixed: It is now possible to remove previously specified overrides for the container command in the container configuration of the Workload Details Page.

  • Fixed: Environment status (Running/Stopped/Failed) and status icon are now in sync on the Environment Settings Page.

  • Fixed: User names are being shown again on active and past deployments on the App Details Page.

June 18th, 2021

  • New: Added an image build versions overview for each container image registered with Humanitec. This allows to review image versions and filter by commit ID, branch, or tag.

  • New: Added information on resource details to the Workload Details Page of running deployments.

  • Fixed: The environment runtime status is no longer mirrored on all environment tabs of an Application.

  • Fixed: Deleting a volume resource no longer leaves invalid volume mounts in the Workload but instead removes these automatically.

  • Fixed: Deleting a DNS resource now automatically removes all associated routing rules defined in the Ingress section of the Workload.

  • Several UI fixes, including:

    • Fixed: The draft version dropdown on the App Details Page no longer overflows for large amount of draft versions.
    • Improved: Added an automatic copy interaction to Ingress routes shown on the Workload Details Page of running deployments.
    • Improved: Enhanced error message handling in several parts of the application.

June 4th, 2021

  • Changed: Significantly simplified how to connect CI pipelines (like Bitbucket Pipelines, GitHub Actions, and Circle CI) from the Images tab in Organization settings. The CI pipelines just need to notify Humanitec about new image builds. Check out the docs for more information .

  • Fixed: Changes made in a Draft are no longer replicated to running and past deployments in the UI.

  • Fixed: When deleting an App, the Drafts associated with it will no longer show up in subsequently created Apps of the same name.

  • Fixed: Ingress manifests are no longer missing from exported manifests of running and past deployments with allocated Ingress resources.

  • Several UI fixes, including:

    • Fixed: When changing a Variable key in a Draft, the old value will now be displayed on the deployment Diff.
    • Improved: When adding a file to a Draft, its path is displayed in addition to its mode on the deployment Diff.
    • Fixed: Overflowing deployment Diffs and Workload errors are now scrollable.
    • Improved: Active deployments that stopped running are marked as “Stopped”.

May 21st, 2021

  • New: Added support for path-based routing with Ingress on the Workload Details Page. This feature replaces the Public URL section.

    • DNS resource can now be added in the External Resources section.
    • Routing rules are defined within the newly added Ingress component.
  • Changed: Design and layout of App Settings. Added a danger zone and removed tabs from the UI to allow for a clearer overview and structure of the screen.

  • Improved: Extended error message handling via tooltips in the Variables component for invalid placeholder paths.

  • Fixed: It is now possible to add variables to a workload with multiple containers.

  • Fixed: Configuration of Webhooks.

    • Closing the triggers-dropdown no longer removes all selected triggers.
    • Existing Webhooks can be disabled/enabled.

May 7th, 2021

  • New: Added support for third-party container registries .

  • Fixed: It is now possible to cancel the creation of a workload on the application details page.

  • Fixed: The image dropdown on the Workload Details Page no longer overflows.

  • Improved: Defined handling of special characters such as “", ‘<’ or ‘>’ in the variables component on the Workload Details Page.

  • Changed: The full image name is now shown for automatic deployment comments.

April 23rd, 2021

  • New: Added support for emptyDir volumes.

  • Improvement: We reworked the behaviour of the Variables component on the Workload Details Page. Inconsistencies in terms of its navigation and handling were removed to ensure a reliable user experience for entering, editing and saving data.

    • Improved keyboard accessibility.
    • Easier handling of Placeholder Paths.
    • Corrected behaviour for multi-line input.
  • Fixed: It is no longer possible to cause a failed deployment due to a file being mounted into the root of a container.

  • Fixed: Many UI inconsistencies.

April 9th, 2021

April 2nd, 2021

We will shift the product update to April 9th due to the short break over Easter.

March 19th, 2021

  • New: Forms for adding resource definitions now present fields in a more intuitive order and include help text.

  • Improvement: Draft can now be discarded even if it is the only draft. (A new blank draft is created in its place.)

  • Fixed: Behaviour of clones in the UI is corrected. Clone includes comment from deployment it was created from and is properly represented in the draft. Code version can be updated in the draft applied to clone.

  • Fixed: Submitting variable value now possible when suggestions drop-down is shown.

  • Fixed: Live container statuses sometimes not shown after deployment.

March 5th, 2021

  • New: Pod status is now communicated on the Workload tile in the Active Deployment mode.

  • Fixed: It is now possible to replace a deleted resource definition with a new one of the same type with overlapping matching criteria while the original one is still in pending deletion state.

February 19th, 2021

  • New: Errors at the Environment level are now surfaced in UI.

  • New: Aiven added as an Account Type & documentation added for connecting Aiven managed databases.

  • Improved: Environments and Deployments pane in Workload Details screen expanded and Environment Tabs restructured.

  • Fixed: Clicking outside the Dynamic/Static Resource Definition dialog does not cause all data to be automatically lost.

  • Fixed: Form for specifying static DNS did not handle TLS certificates correctly.

  • Fixed: Many UI inconsistencies.

February 5th, 2021

  • New: Workloads can now depend on multiple resources of the same type.

  • New: Added support for Aiven (Database-as-a-Service provider).

  • Changed: We changed the default deployment behaviour so that workloads no longer wait for a successful readiness probe before terminating the old pods. This means that the state of the namespace will match the requested deployment, but will mean that pods might be in a failed state. These will be reported in the UI. It will also mean deployments complete much faster. We are working on Blue/Green Deployments to provide a reliable way of ensuring environment wide consistency.

  • Improved: Both, our GitHub Action as well as our CircleCI Orb , now support the specification of additional docker arguments (e.g., build-args).

  • Improved: Updated documentation of environment variables & secrets and container configuration.

  • Fixed: Failing application deletion in the case of deployment errors.

  • Fixed: Last environment in an application can no longer be deleted.

January 22nd, 2021

Here is our first product update 2021. We started with some important new features into the new year.

  • New: We created an Environment Settings Screen that bundles all environment-specific settings. We moved the Automation Rules and environment-specific Shared values and secrets overrides into this new screen. We now also allow users to specify a namespace in Kubernetes for each environment. This has been supprted by the API but not by the UI.

  • New: We are now allowing users to delete environments directly from the environment dropdown menu on the App Details Screen.

  • New: Out-of-the-box support for Amazon S3 buckets as Dynamic Resources.

  • Improved: Support multi-line values in Shared values and secrets.

  • Improved: Listing of dynamic resources.

  • Fixed: Adding overrides for shared variables cause console error Cannot read property ‘id’ of undefined.

  • Fixed: Missing UI elements after creating a new environment.

Janaury 8th, 2021

We enjoyed some time off between the years and we hope you did too. Stay tuned for the first product update 2021 which we will publish on January 22nd.

December 25th, 2020

  • New: Add configuration as a file that will be accessible from your container (UI&API).

  • New: Specify Service account that a pod should adopt via UI.

  • New: Create Webhooks Deployment (started/finished) and Environment (created/deleted) events. (UI&API).

  • Improved: Show deployers for all deployments.

  • Improved: Show who created a resource definition.

  • Improved: User experience for re-deploying a historical deployment set.

  • Fixed: It’s not possible to remove command overwrites and args.

  • Fixed: The overview of deploy changes does not show removed env variables.

  • Fixed: Container images dropdown for adding a workload is partially hidden.

  • Fixed: Adding substitute variables for s3bucket.

  • Fixed: Small UI issues on Firefox.

  • Fixed: Blinking smiley behavior :-)

December 11th, 2020

  • Improved: Environments are ordered by creation date instead of alphabet.

  • Improved: Users can choose to delete an environment type and see associated environments.

  • Improved: A lot of great styling updates!

  • Fixed: After adding a managed workload (Redis) the workload dropdown selection is not cleared.

November 27th, 2020

  • Fixed: Selecting placeholder from prompt popup causes currently entered text to be ovewritten.

  • Fixed: After creating a draft from a diff the module detail page is not updated.

  • Fixed: Envtype list is cut off on static resources page.

  • Fixed: After deploying the user can directly see the currently running version instead of the draft.

  • Fixed: Variables are not displayed in the diff if it is removed.

  • Fixed: S3 bucket should only be available for adding to module when a S3 resource definition exists.

  • Fixed: user reported issues with user pagination and user invite via Github.

  • Improved: Based on user feedback, changed Modules to Workloads across application.

November 13th, 2020

  • New: A “My Apps” screen with all applications that a user has an access to as well as their respective environments. The user can choose to open the required application or an environment directly from the My Apps screen.

  • New: Redirect to “My Apps” after deleting an application.

  • New: Introduced an error screen for javascript errors and 404s with a redirect to “My Apps”.

  • Fixed: Automated deployments do not show up in UI until they are finished.

  • Improved: Scroll bars across application.

October 30th, 2020

  • New: Deleting Resource Definitions via the UI. If the resource definition has any active resources associated with it, the user is informed about those resources and their suggested replacements. If the user proceeds with the deletion, the resource definition will be marked with pending deletion until all active resources are redeployed.

  • Improved: Input component for shared value overrides.

  • Improved: Snippet for Bitbucket integration.

  • Fixed: Error handling in a case of a blank screen.

  • Fixed: Allowing users to select “None” for static resources that do not need a driver.

  • Fixed: Real-time updates for automated deployments.

October 16th, 2020

  • New: UI and API for adding your AKS and EKS clusters.

  • New: UI and API for adding S3 Bucket resource definition and defining dependency within your modules.

  • New: Welcome emails to newly registered users.

  • Improved: Container runtime status added to application view - users can see at a glance if any of their modules are failing.

  • Improved: Expandable deployment history view. Users can filter based on deployment comment and find their historical deployments easier.

  • Improved: CI integration guide - now presented as a wizzard.

October 2nd, 2020

  • New: Export manifests for your chosen deployment set. Manifests can be downloaded as .yaml files and stored in a repository.

  • New: UI support for connecting your own GKE or EKS cluster via Static Resources.

  • Improved: Possibility to add and confirm contact email through profile settings if it is not retrieved during registration.

September 18th, 2020

  • New: UI for adding AWS accounts for dynamic ressources
  • Improved: UI for managing API Tokens
    • See all API Tokens for an organization in one list
    • Create new API Tokens
    • View and revoke existing API Tokens

September 4th, 2020

  • New: UI for Runtime status
    • View the runtime status for deployed applications and easily debug errors when they occur
    • Users are informed if any of the replicas are failing and the affected deployment and modules are marked with a warning
    • To simplify debugging, container errors are reported for each replica separately and presented to the user together with the container log
  • New: API for deleting resources
  • Improved: Live container logs
    • Users do not have to refresh to see the latest logs
    • Fixed UI issues and logs formatting
  • Fixed: Wrong DNS being shown for modules (user reported bug)

August 21st, 2020

  • Improved: Container logs
    • Users can now see logs for each historical deployment
    • Fixed inconstiencies reported by users
  • New: Humanitec CircleCI Orb for simple integration between CircleCI and Humanitec

August 7th, 2020

UI improvements:

  • Separation between Profile Settings and Organization Settings

Documentation update:

  • Release of the API documentation (currently in beta) available here incl. a first tutorial how to use the Humanitec API

July 24th, 2020

General new features:

  • First version of automatic deployments based on user-defined rules

July 10th, 2020

General new features:

  • Allow users to connect dynamic resources of type Postgres with Google Cloud Platform resource account

UI improvements:

  • Better overview over available image versoins
  • Improved database selector

New API endpoints:

  • API endpoint for deployment automation - allowing users to create, update and delete rules for automated deployments; Humanitec deploy new images automatically based on the defined rules

June 26th, 2020

General new features:

  • Option to create multiple deployment drafts in an environment

Onboarding support:

  • First version of in-app guide explaining how to deploy your first application with Humanitec

June 12th, 2020

General new features:

  • Option to create a diff between two deployment sets within one environment
  • Allow for patching of environments: apply a diff to a deployment set in any environment

Onboarding support:

  • Added sample images that allow for a quicker onboarding (e.g., option to deploy first application without connecting own CI pipelines)

May 29th, 2020

General new features:

  • Option to clone deployments to another environment
  • Added Elasticsearch and MariaDB as managed images
  • Allow to switch between drafts and deployments directly from the module configuration view

New features only available via the API:

  • Deploy to your own GCP account (API documentation will be pusblished soon on our docs site )