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Welcome to the Humanitec Quickstart guide!
This guide is meant to be - as the name suggests - quick! You should be able to complete it in no more than 60 minutes. To live up to this promise, there are a few more assumptions than in the tutorials and other learning paths. In particular, this path takes a bring-your-own cluster approach, so it is an ideal stepping stone into working with the Platform Orchestrator and your own real infrastructure. As a fallback, convenience scripts are provided to create a temporary default cluster in one of the three major clouds.
This is what you will have learned and created after the Quickstart.
- You will have your own Kubernetes cluster connected to the Platform Orchestrator
- You will have configured the Orchestrator with your first Resource Definitions and thus made it possible to self-serve infrastructure as part of a Deployment
- You will have deployed your first Application from development to staging and connected it to self-serve infrastructure
- You will have learned all fundamental concepts around Score and the Orchestrator
Watch our video walking you through the Quickstart guide:
To get started you’ll need:
- A Humanitec account. If you don’t have one yet, sign up here for a free trial
- A Kubernetes cluster with a publicly accessible API server endpoint. You will connect this cluster to the Platform Orchestrator and deploy an Application onto it. The distribution and location do not matter.
- This Quickstart provides instructions for the managed clusters of the major cloud providers (EKS on AWS, AKS on Azure, GKE on Google Cloud) as well as a generic cluster (anything else)
- An AKS cluster needs to have Managed Microsoft Entra integration and Azure RBAC for Kubernetes Authorization enabled
- An EKS cluster needs to have access entries enabled
- A generic cluster needs to have a user with cluster administrative privileges configured in the
current context using a client certificate embedded into thekubeconfig
file - The cluster needs to have a default StorageClass that supports dynamic provisioning
- (advanced users only) If you have a primary secret store configured for your Humanitec Organization, then deployments will require the Humanitec Operator installed on the cluster and a default secret store set up. Otherwise you can ignore this aspect for now
The following CLI tools:
Start by configuring your Environment .