Create a new Environment
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Create a staging Environment
Applications are typically deployed through a cadence of Environments ranging from development
to production
. Create the next Environment in that cadence by defining a new Environment type named staging
humctl create environment-type staging -d "Staging"
Environments in the Platform Orchestrator are classified by Environment Types. You can use Environment Types in matching criteria, e.g. to make a Resource Definition match any staging
type Environment regardless of the number of staging
Environments your Applications choose to maintain.
If your Organization already has an Environment type staging
defined, you will receive a message that it already exists, which is fine.
Then create the actual Application Environment, based on the existing development
humctl create environment staging --type staging --from development
To have something deployed to this Environment we could now deploy the draft data copied over from the development
Deployment in the Portal, or simply use humctl
again to deploy the same Score file while specifying the new target Environment:
humctl score deploy --env staging --wait
You can see how a new namespace will be created for this Deployment which now has staging
in its name for the Environment component:
export NAMESPACE_STAGING=$(humctl get active-resource \
/orgs/${HUMANITEC_ORG}/apps/${HUMANITEC_APP}/envs/staging/resources \
-oyaml \
| yq -r '.[] | select (.metadata.type == "k8s-namespace") | .status.resource.namespace')
Verify that the same objects are present in the new namespace:
kubectl get all -n $NAMESPACE_STAGING
If we had another Resource Definition for a different Kubernetes cluster that matched to the Environment type of staging
, then we would not only create a differently named namespace but also deploy to a different cluster instead. Orchestration at work!
Note that the Score file did not have to change for deploying into the new staging
Environment, nor should it. Score is Environment-agnostic by design.
And that concludes this chapter. You have:
- ✅ Defined a new Environment Type
- ✅ Created a new Environment for your Application
- ✅ Deployed your Workload into the new Environment using Score and
- ✅ Verified the result on the Kubernetes end
Your setup now looks like this:
%%{ init: { 'flowchart': { 'curve': 'linear' } } }%%
flowchart LR
subgraph scoreFile[Score file]
subgraph platformOrchestrator[Platform Orchestrator]
cloudAccount(Cloud Account)
resDefCluster(Resource Definition\nCluster)
subgraph application[Application]
resDefNamespace(Resource Definition\nNamespace)
subgraph cloudInfrastructure[Cloud Infrastructure]
subgraph k8sCluster[Kubernetes Cluster]
subgraph namespaceDev[Namespace development]
subgraph namespaceStaging[Namespace staging]
scoreFile -->|humctl score deploy| envDevelopment
scoreFile -->|humctl score deploy| envStaging
resDefNamespace -.- namespaceDev
resDefNamespace -.- namespaceStaging
resDefCluster -.- k8sCluster
envDevelopment --> namespaceDev
envStaging --> namespaceStaging
%% Using the predefined styles
class envStaging,namespaceStaging highlight
class application,k8sCluster nested
Continue to add a database resource to your setup.