Configure your environment

Configure your environment

  1. Clone and prepare the Quickstart repository:
git clone
cd quickstart
chmod -R +x ./scripts/
  1. Define the cloud provider you will be using. Configure aws , azure, gcp, or generic for a generic cluster:
export CLOUD=<your-cloud>
  1. If you have not already done so, authenticate and configure your cloud CLI (unless using a generic cluster):
aws sso login --profile <my-profile>

# Azure
az login
az account set -s <my-subscription>

# Google Cloud
gcloud auth login
gcloud config set project <my-project>
  1. If you wish to use one of the cloud providers and do not have a cluster ready at this time, you can create one with default settings for AWS (EKS), Azure (AKS), or Google Cloud (GKE) using the convenience scripts included in the repository. Otherwise skip this step.

    • Edit the script for your cloud provider at ./scripts/create-cluster/create-cluster-${CLOUD}.sh and provide the required values
    • Run the script:
. ./scripts/create-cluster/create-cluster-${CLOUD}.sh
  1. Edit the file and supply all required values. Depending on where your cluster is running, uncomment and complete the lines for the respective section. When not using one of the three cloud providers, use the “Generic Kubernetes” section.

  2. Apply the variables to your environment:

chmod +x
. ./
  1. Login to the Platform Orchestrator:
humctl login

You are now ready to go ahead and connect your cluster.
