When we look at architecting an IDP, especially in the context of an Minimal viable platform ( MVP ), we want to break this into three separate sessions so you can understand exactly what you need to think about for each.
All sessions are video tutorials you can watch at your own pace.
Total duration: about 60mins.
In the first session, we are going to look into the Development phase. That is anything on the diagram below you can see highlighted in green. It is mostly related to the Developer Control Plane and the Integration and Delivery Plane.
After that we are going to look into the Orchestration phase. It is all about what does the Platform Orchestrator do and how do we actually use it do its advantage. These are the elements colored blue.
The third phase is the Execution phase. So what actually happens after everything touches the Platform Orchestrator? This sessions looks in-depth at the Resources, things inside the Security Plane, and the CD pipeline as a whole, and it will connect all of the pieces together. These are the elements colored yellow.
Anything on this diagram colored in grey is best suited for production-grade work, so after your MVP goes through and you have teams ready to get onboarded. Then, as you go towards production-grade, is when you actually start integrating things like service catalogs, portals, as well as observability solutions.