- What are Workload Profiles?
- What Workload Profiles do
- How Workload Profiles work
- Built-in Workload Profiles
- How to use a specific Workload Profile
- How to select the right Workload Profile
- How to find and inspect available Workload Profiles
- How to build the extension file
- Switching the Workload Profile
- Examples
- The Benefits of Workload Profiles
On this page
- What are Workload Profiles?
- What Workload Profiles do
- How Workload Profiles work
- Built-in Workload Profiles
- How to use a specific Workload Profile
- How to select the right Workload Profile
- How to find and inspect available Workload Profiles
- How to build the extension file
- Switching the Workload Profile
- Examples
- The Benefits of Workload Profiles
What are Workload Profiles?
Workload Profiles define how the Platform Orchestrator should convert a Workload specification into runtime artifacts, which in the Kubernetes context are Kubernetes manifests.
They do this by accepting a set of inputs derived from a Workload specification, mapping them out, and then using a Helm chart in the background to generate the Kubernetes manifests from them.
Each time a Workload is deployed via the Platform Orchestrator, a Workload Profile is always used, even if you might not be aware of it.
The Workload Profile being used effectively determines what you can specify in your Score and Score extension file.
By default, a Workload deployment uses the Profile called default-module
, one of the built-in Workflow profiles. To see which properties it allows you to specify, go
And if those properties are all you need to achieve the desired result, you do not need to dive into Workload Profiles at all. It is when you want to go beyond the standard capabilities that you might want to choose a different Workload Profile, or create your own . Read on to learn about the background and how to find the solution that fits your needs.
What Workload Profiles do
A Workload Profile can expose any attribute of the Kubernetes API, like
- Compute resources - CPU, memory, GPUs
- Storage - disks, volumes
- Networking - subnets, routes
- Runtimes - languages, frameworks, containers
- Dependencies - databases, caches, queues
By exposing certain attributes, and pre-defining others, Workload Profiles strike a balance between simplification and control. They shield developers from unwanted complexity and are therefore a powerful way to enable self-service.
How Workload Profiles work
A Workload Profile consists of these two parts:
- A specification that defines the accepted inputs.
- A Helm chart that transforms those inputs into Kubernetes resources.
The Helm chart’s values are exposed as inputs through the Workload Profile.
The Workload Profile is part of a transformation process that starts out with a Score file being deployed via the humctl
CLI. The process performs these steps:
- The
CLI is invoked viahumctl score deploy -f score.yaml ...
- An optional
Humanitec extension file
is provided via the
flag. - The
CLI creates a Deployment Set from the combination of both files. The Deployment Set specifies the Workload Profile to use as well as all other inputs from the files. (Technically, the CLI generates a Delta, not a Set, to be able to alter existing Deployments. The handling is identical.)
- An optional
Humanitec extension file
is provided via the
- The
CLI posts the Deployment Set to the Platform Orchestrator. The Platform Orchestrator uses the specified Workload Profile and maps the Deployment Set properties to the Workload Profile properties of the same name. - The Platform Orchestrator maps Workload Profile properties to Helm chart values of the same name.
- The Platform Orchestrator uses the Helm chart named in the Deployment Set to generate Kubernetes manifests, and applies all manifests to the target cluster.
title: Transformation Process from Score to K8s manifests
%%{ init: {'flowchart': { 'curve': 'step' } } }%%
flowchart LR
subgraph inputFiles[ ]
subgraph scoreFile[Score File]
scoreFileContent(containers: ...<br/>service: ...):::codeComponent
subgraph humanitecExtensionFile[Humanitec extension file]
inputFiles -->|1. humctl score deploy<br/>generates<br/>Deployment Set| deploymentSetContent
scoreFile ~~~ humanitecExtensionFile
subgraph deploymentSet[Deployment Set]
deploymentSetContent(profile: default-module<br/>spec:<br/> containers: ...<br/> labels: ...<br/> service: ...):::codeComponent
subgraph workloadProfile[Workload Profile "default-module"]
wpProperties(Properties):::components -->|3. Map<br/>values| wpChart(Helm Chart):::components
subgraph k8sManifests[K8s Manifests]
k8sDeployment(Deployment<br/>with labels):::components
deploymentSetContent -->|2. Post to<br/>Platform<br/>Orchestrator| wpProperties
wpChart -->|4. Apply| k8sDeployment
wpChart -->|4. Apply| k8sService
classDef codeComponent font-family:Courier,text-align:left
classDef invisible fill:#00000000,stroke:#00000000
class inputFiles invisible
All those transformations are performed automatically so that the Developer Workflow remains quite simple:
title: Workload Profiles
participant User
participant Humanitec as Platform Orchestrator
User->>Humanitec: Deploy a set of Workloads
Humanitec->>Humanitec: Generates the k8s resources using the Workload Profile and Workload Profile Chart Version (Helm chart)
participant K8s as Customer K8s cluster
Humanitec->>K8s: Applies the k8s resources
Humanitec->>User: Reports the status of the deploy
Built-in Workload Profiles
The Platform Orchestrator comes with three built-in Workload Profiles , allowing you to deploy a Workload as one of these Kubernetes Workload Resource types.
- As a
- As a
- As a
When deploying a Score file using the
Humanitec CLI
, the CLI by default assigns the default-module
Workload Profile in the output it generates, so your Workload will be installed as a Kubernetes Deployment. To override this behavior, you can provide a
Score extension file
specifying the Workload Profile you wish to use instead. See the next section for details.
How to use a specific Workload Profile
The humctl score deploy
CLI command will produce a Deployment Delta specifying the Workload Profile humanitec/default-module
by default. To override this behavior, create a Score
Score extension file
specifying the Workload Profile to use instead, like this:
cat << EOF > humanitec.score.yaml
apiVersion: humanitec.org/v1b1
profile: humanitec/default-cronjob
Then, specify this extension file when deploying your Score file using the --extensions
humctl score deploy \
--org my-org \
--app my-app \
--env development \
-f score.yaml \
--extensions humanitec.score.yaml
How to select the right Workload Profile
Decision tree for selecting the Workload Profile
When selecting the right Workload Profile for your needs, consider these aspects:
- What type of Kubernetes Workload Resource do you wish to create?
- For the types covered by the built-in
Workload Profiles, is the built-in Profile sufficient?
Every Workload has unique requirements, so use the recommendation from this flowchart as a starting point. Then perform a more detailed evaluation.
title: Workload Profiles Decision Tree
%%{ init: {'flowchart': { 'curve': 'bumpX' } } }%%
flowchart LR
%% The subgraphs serve to arrange the items vertically aligned despite a LR flow.
%% They are rendered invisible through styling.
subgraph col1[ ]
start(START) --> k8sWorkloadResource(Kubernetes<br/>Workload Resource<br/>type?):::components
subgraph col2[ ]
subgraph col3[ ]
doesScoreSpecSupportAllFeatures(Does the Score spec<br/>support all required properties?):::components
subgraph col4[ ]
defaultModuleNoExtension[Workload Profile: "default-module"<br/>Score extension file: no]:::components
defaultModuleExtension[Workload Profile: "default-module"<br/>Score extension file: yes]:::components
defaultJob[Workload Profile: "default-job"<br/>Score extension file: yes]:::components
defaultCronjob[Workload Profile: "default-cronjob"<br/>Score extension file: yes]:::components
cwpf0[Workload Profile: Custom<br/>Score extension file: yes]:::components
cwpf2[Workload Profile: Custom<br/>Score extension file: yes]:::components
cwpf3[Workload Profile: Custom<br/>Score extension file: yes]:::components
cwpf4[Workload Profile: Custom<br/>Score extension file: yes]:::components
k8sWorkloadResource -->|Deployment| isDefaultModuleSufficient
k8sWorkloadResource -->|Job| isDefaultJobSufficient
k8sWorkloadResource -->|CronJob| isDefaultCronJobSufficient
isDefaultModuleSufficient -->|Yes| doesScoreSpecSupportAllFeatures
doesScoreSpecSupportAllFeatures -->|Yes| defaultModuleNoExtension
doesScoreSpecSupportAllFeatures -->|No| defaultModuleExtension
isDefaultModuleSufficient -->|No| cwpf0
isDefaultJobSufficient -->|Yes| defaultJob
isDefaultJobSufficient -->|No| cwpf2
isDefaultCronJobSufficient -->|Yes| defaultCronjob
isDefaultCronJobSufficient -->|No| cwpf3
k8sWorkloadResource -->|Other| cwpf4
classDef columns fill:#00000000,stroke:#00000000
classDef components font-family:Akkurat
class col1,col2,col3,col4 columns
linkStyle 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 stroke:#bbbbbb,font-family:Akkurat
- Sufficient: The Workload Profile contains all the properties you need, e.g. “annotations” or “service”. You can find instructions below on how to find and inspect available Workload Profiles.
- Score spec: The official Score specification .
- Extension file: Using this Workload Profile requires you to use a Score Score extension file specifying the profile as shown above .
Sample case: Deployment with labels
I want to deploy my Workload as a Kubernetes Deployment and set additional labels on this particular Workload.
- Kubernetes Resource Type → Deployment.
- Is
sufficient? → Yes. This built-in Workload Profile has “Labels” as one of its features . - Does the Score spec support all required features? → No. The Score specification cannot define Workload labels.
- Are the Score extensions relevant for other Workloads? → No. I want to set labels on this Workload only.
→ You can use the default-module
built-in Workload Profile and specify the label via a
Score extension file
. Find the example code
Sample case: CronJob with Annotation
I want to deploy my Workload as a Kubernetes CronJob and set an additional annotation on this Workload.
- Kubernetes Resource Type → CronJob
- Is
sufficient? → Yes. This built-in Workload Profile has “Annotations’’ as one of its features . - Does the Score spec support all required features? → No. The Score specification can define annotations on resources, but not on Workloads.
→ You can use the default-job
built-in Workload Profile and request its use via a
Score extension file
. That file will also have to contain the annotation.
Find the example code below .
Sample case: StatefulSet
I want to deploy my Workload as a Kubernetes StatefulSet .
- Kubernetes Resource Type → Other
→ You need to create a Custom Workload Profile and request its use via a Score extension file . None of the built-in Workload Profiles produces a StatefulSet.
How to find and inspect available Workload Profiles
You may want to inspect an available Workload Profile to find out if it provides all of the properties you need to configure.
To see a list of all available Workload Profiles in your Organization, use this command:
humctl api get /orgs/${HUMANITEC_ORG}/workload-profiles \
| jq -r '.[] | .id'
curl -s https://api.humanitec.io/orgs/${HUMANITEC_ORG}/workload-profiles \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${HUMANITEC_TOKEN}" | jq -r '.[] | .id'
This will output the IDs of both the built-in as well as any custom Workload Profiles your Organization might have.
To see the list of properties for any particular Workload Profile, use the following command. Replace “humanitec.default-cronjob
” with the ID of the Workload Profile you want to inspect.
humctl api get /orgs/${HUMANITEC_ORG}/workload-profiles/humanitec.default-cronjob/versions/latest | \
jq '{ properties: .spec_definition.properties }'
curl -s https://api.humanitec.io/orgs/${HUMANITEC_ORG}/workload-profiles/humanitec.default-cronjob/versions/latest \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${HUMANITEC_TOKEN}" | \
jq '{ properties: .spec_definition.properties }'
If a property has a "type": "feature"
, you can find details about it on the
How to build the extension file
You need to provide a
Score extension file
to the humctl CLI
in addition to the Score file whenever you need to do either or all of the following:
- Request a Workload Profile other than the standard, which is
. - Provide inputs to the Workload Profile not covered by the Score specification.
The Workload Profile ID goes into the profile:
property of the extension file like this:
apiVersion: humanitec.org/v1b1
profile: humanitec/default-cronjob
Any additional inputs (2.) go into the spec:
section of the extension file. They must match the properties of the selected Workload Profile and will be merged into the Deployment Set generated by humctl
, as
shown above
Switching the Workload Profile
Switching your Workload to a different Workload Profile than the one currently used is possible, even if the Workload has already been deployed. As long as the resulting Kubernetes resources, as generated by the bundled Helm chart, are named the same, they will be updated in-place with the next Deployment.
Execute all examples using the
Humanitec CLI
, targeting a particular Application Environment like this:
humctl score deploy -f score.yaml \
--org <my-org> \
--app <my-app> \
--env <my-env> \
--token ${HUMANITEC_TOKEN} \
--extensions humanitec.score.yaml
is an
API token
with Deployer rights into the Environment.
Example: Deployment with labels
To define a Kubernetes
with additional
, you can request the default-module
built-in Workload Profile
. It contains the
“labels” Feature
which lets you specify labels for the Deployment.
You prepare:
- A regular Score file describing your Workload’s container.
- A Score extension file requesting the labels. It does not need to specify the
Workload Profile as that is the default.
Score file | Score extension file |
Variation: It may be that you wish to set the same label on a number of different Workloads. There are several ways to achieve this:
- Provide the same Score extension file when deploying those Workloads.
- Provide a Custom Workload Profile instead which has that label built into it. Then use a Score extension file specifying that Custom Workload Profile to be used.
Example: CronJob with Annotation
To define a Kubernetes
which executes on a particular schedule, you can request the default-cronjob
built-in Workload Profile
. It contains the
“schedules” Feature
which lets you specify the schedule for the CronJob.
That Workload Profile also contains the “annotations” Feature .
You prepare:
- A regular Score file describing your Workload’s container.
- A Score extension file requesting the
Workload Profile, specifying the annotation, and specifying the schedule(s) for that container. - The input format for the
in the extension file is defined through the Feature humanitec/schedules which thedefault-cronjob
Workload Profile is using.
Score file | Score extension file |
The Benefits of Workload Profiles
To sum it up, key benefits of Workload Profiles are:
- Portable - can be used across environments and clusters
- Composable - build new Workload Profiles by extending existing ones
- Dynamic - parameters allow customization for each workload
- Shareable - publish and reuse Workload Profiles across teams
With Workload Profiles, platform teams can define standardized application configurations and best practices once. Developers can then easily deploy their code using those proven Workload Profiles.
Workload Profiles abstract infrastructure details from developers and promote consistency and governance across environments.
Do Workload Profiles handle Resources?
No. Score resources
become externals
in the Deployment Delta. These are handled by the Platform Orchestrator, but are not passed on into the Workload Profile.