AKS Cluster

Used to connect to a Kubernetes Azure cluster.

Property Description
Resource type k8s-cluster
Account type None



Name Type Description
name string The name of the cluster.
resource_group string The Azure Resource Group.
subscription_id string The Azure Subscription ID.
loadbalancer string [Optional] The IP address or hostname that ingress should be configured for in the cluster.
server_app_id string [Optional] AAD server application ID. Needed for clusters with Microsoft EntraID (former AAD) authentication enabled. In that case, set it to the value 6dae42f8-4368-4678-94ff-3960e28e3630 (see the AKS documentation ).
proxy_url string [Optional] The Proxy URL if used.


Name Type Description
credentials object Contains appId, displayName, password and tenant of the Service Principal to access the cluster.
agent_url object [Optional] The signed URL produced by the humanitec/agent driver. It is expected to be a reference to the url output of a Agent resource.


Following the instructions provided here , it should be possible to retrieve the secret inputs needed to configure the access to the cluster properly.

Set the following environment variables for the CLI and API commands:

Variable Example Description
HUMANITEC_TOKEN my-token The authentication token for accessing the Humanitec API.
HUMANITEC_ORG my-org-id The unique identifier for the organization in Humanitec.

Use the command below for the interface of your choice.

  1. Create a file defining the Resource Definition you want to create. Adjust or remove the loadbalancer and the server_app_id items as needed.
cat << EOF > k8s-cluster.yaml
apiVersion: entity.humanitec.io/v1b1
kind: Definition
  id: my-aks-cluster
  driver_type: humanitec/k8s-cluster-aks
  name: My AKS Cluster
  type: k8s-cluster
        appId: my-app-id
        displayName: my-service-principal-name
        password: my-service-password
        tenant: my-tenant-id
      name: my-cluster
      resource_group: my-azure-resource-group
      subscription_id: 123456-1234-1234-1234-123456789
      server_app_id: 6dae42f8-4368-4678-94ff-3960e28e3630
  - env_type: development
  1. Use the humctl create command to create the Resource Definition in the Organization defined by your configured context:
humctl create -f k8s-cluster.yaml
rm k8s-cluster.yaml

curl https://api.humanitec.io/orgs/${HUMANITEC_ORG}/resources/defs \
  -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer ${HUMANITEC_TOKEN}" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '
  "id": "my-aks-cluster",
  "name": "My AKS Cluster",
  "type": "k8s-cluster",
  "criteria": [
      "env_type": "development"
  "driver_type": "humanitec/k8s-cluster-aks",
  "driver_inputs": {
    "values": {
      "loadbalancer": "",
      "name": "my-cluster",
      "resource_group": "my-azure-resource-group",
      "subscription_id": "123456-1234-1234-1234-123456789",
      "server_app_id": "6dae42f8-4368-4678-94ff-3960e28e3630"
    "secrets": {
      "credentials": {
        "appId": "my-app-id",
        "displayName": "my-service-principal-name",
        "password": "my-service-password",
        "tenant": "my-tenant-id"