
What is the Container Driver?

The Container Driver is a fully customizable Driver offered by the Humanitec Platform Orchestrator, allowing you to provision any Resource Type your Workloads depend on through the execution of a container image of your choice. A common use case is executing your favorite IaC framework by providing an image containing the required tooling.

You can choose to execute, for example, OpenTofu , Cloud Formation or Pulumi or any other IaC you use daily.

The Container Driver expects a container image as one of its inputs . It always runs in your infrastructure as part of the Driver execution, requiring a Kubernetes host cluster.

Why use the Container Driver?

Using IaC and the Container Driver to provision resources has a number of advantages over other Humanitec built-in drivers:

  • Declarative: It is declarative, allowing true Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) with all its associated benefits, like diffs, version control, and familiar developer workflows.
  • Adaptive: As you can choose the tooling to execute, this is widely adopted and offers a vast range of features, covering all major public clouds as well as many 3rd party offerings.
  • Integrate: It provides an easy way to do custom code in Humanitec.
  • Control: Since you control the IaC code, you have full control of how it operates. You can test the code independently before handing it to the Driver for execution.

How it works

The Container Driver creates a Kubernetes Job in a target cluster whose coordinates are specified via the Driver inputs .

The container specified in the Driver inputs represents the main container of the Job. This container is supposed to execute the IaC code and provision (or destroy) the desired resources. According to the provisioned Resource Type , the container should produce some sensitive and non-sensitive outputs, as described in the notes .

These outputs must be stored in compliance with the Container Driver Contract to make them available to the Driver.

Once the Kubernetes Job completes its execution, the Container Driver retrieves and passes the Resource outputs to the Orchestrator.

The structure of the Kubernetes Job created by the Driver depends on the inputs it receives:

  1. The app container, named runner, is the one supplied in the Driver inputs . The container image is provided by you.
  2. A sidecar container named outputs-fetcher that parses outputs and errors from the runner container and makes them available to the Container Driver.
  3. An optional init container named pre-checks that performs some pre-checks before running the main container. This container can be disabled via the Driver inputs .
  4. In case of the IaC scripts to executed are stored in a Github Repository, an additional init container is created. The git-init init container takes care of checking out the repository at the desired ref, making the scripts available to runner container.
  5. All containers exchange data through a common shared directory implemented as an emptyDir volume .

This architecture is described by the diagram below.

%%{ init: { 'flowchart': { 'curve': 'basis' } } }%%
flowchart TB
    start(["Start"]) --> StartSidecarContainer>"Start outputs-fetcher<br/>sidecar container"]
    StartSidecarContainer -- Start waiting loop --> wait(("Wait for<br/>runner container<br/>to stop or<br/>init containers<br/>to fail"))
    StartSidecarContainer -- Start other containers --> ifchecks
    subgraph preChecksContainer["Pre checks"]
        ifchecks -- Yes --> StartPreChecksInitContainer>"Start pre-checks<br/>init container"]
        StartPreChecksInitContainer --> ifchecksok{"Pre-checks<br/>succeeded?"}
    subgraph gitInit["Git init"]
        ifchecksok -->|Yes|ifgit
        ifgit -- Yes --> StartGitInitContainer>"Start git-init<br/>init container"]
        StartGitInitContainer --> CheckOutRepo["Check out repo"]
        CheckOutRepo --> CopyFilesIntoSharedDirectory["Copy files into<br/>the shared directory"]
        CopyFilesIntoSharedDirectory --> ifgitok{"git-init<br/>succeeded?"}
    ifchecksok -.->|No|wait
    subgraph runner["Runner"]
        ifgitok  -->|Yes|StartRunner
        ifgit -- No --> StartRunner>"Start Runner container"]
        StartRunner --> dostuff["Do stuff"]
        dostuff --> SaveOutputs["Save outputs or errors<br/>to file"]
        SaveOutputs --> EndRunner>"Runner Container<br/>finished"]
    ifchecks -- No --> ifgit{"Git Repo<br/>configured?"}
    ifgitok -.->|No|wait
    EndRunner -.-> wait
    wait --> outputs["Parse outputs or errors"]
    outputs --> configsecret["Create Outputs<br/>ConfigMap and Secrets"]
    configsecret --> EndSidecarContainer>"outputs-fetcher<br/>sidecar container finished"]
    EndSidecarContainer --> e(["End"])

    classDef sidecar fill:#7584ff
    classDef initPrechecks fill:#80b880
    classDef initGit fill:#bababa
    classDef runner fill:#e84444

The Platform Orchestrator performs these steps when executing a Deployment into an Application Environment which leads to involving the Container Driver.

  1. The Orchestrator performs resource matching using all relevant Resource Definitions. The matched Resource Definition uses the Container Driver.
  2. The Orchestrator passes the values of all the inputs to the Container as configured in the Resource Definition.
  3. The Driver instantiates a Kubernetes Job according to the received inputs .
  4. An optional init container is created. The git-init init container takes care of checking out the repository at the desired ref and path, making the content available to the runner container.
  5. Once the init containers have completed their execution, the runner container runs and provisions the Resources and the expected outputs.
  6. The sidecar container outputs-fetcher waits for the main container to complete. parses the outputs it produced and makes them ready to be fetched by the Container Driver.
  7. The Container Driver passes the outputs on to the Orchestrator.
  8. Further processing of the response inside the Orchestrator occurs like with any other Driver.

Contract between Container Driver and Runner Image

The runner container image supplied as Container Driver inputs should respect the following requirements to make the Driver and the sidecar container able to retrieve the Resource outputs and any eventual errors and make them available to the Orchestrator:

  • The container should execute its command, e.g. the IaC tool, in the directory specified by the Driver via the SCRIPTS_DIRECTORY environment variable. It matches the value of job.shared_directory.
  • The container receives the Resource Inputs as a JSON object stored in the file at the path specified by the Driver in the RESOURCE_INPUTS_FILE environment variable.
  • In case of error, the container should exit with a non-zero code, to allow the Driver to mark the Job as failed and return the error to the Orchestrator.
  • The container should be able to provision and de-provision Resources. An environment variable ACTION, that can assume the value of create or destroy, is set on the runner container by the Driver to lead the execution of the container.
  • The container should produce non-sensitive outputs and store them as a JSON object in a file whose path is specified by the Driver in the environment variable OUTPUTS_FILE.
  • The container should produce sensitive outputs and store them as a JSON object in a file whose path is specified by the Driver in the environment variable SECRET_OUTPUTS_FILE.
  • The container should store errors in a file whose path is specified by the Driver in the environment variable ERROR_FILE. No particular structure is expected for the content of this file. The content will be included in the deployment error message in the Platform Orchestrator if the container exits with a non-zero exit code.
  • In case of the container running as a non-root user, as specified by Docker best practices , the user should be specified via UID and GID to allow the Kubernetes Job defined by the Driver to run without knowing the user and the group.


Property Description
Resource type Any
Account type Any



Name Type Description
job object An object describing how to configure the Kubernetes Job which will run the supplied container.
cluster object An object providing all the information about how the Container Driver should connect to the target cluster.
credentials_config object [Optional] An object describing how credentials should be made available to the runner container.
files object [Optional] A Map of file paths to their content to create, according to their path, in the directory where the IaC executes (if the path is relative) or at a specific mount point (if the path is absolute).
source object [Optional] A Git repository to use to fetch content such as IaC scripts.
skip_permission_checks boolean [Optional] If set to true, the Driver and the Job skip the checks to ensure that the K8s cluster client and service account have the permissions to complete successfully. Defaults to false.
manifests_output string [Optional] The name of a property in the OUTPUTS_FILE or in the SECRET_OUTPUTS_FILE that contains a list of Manifest Location objects in JSON format. If the property is present in both files, the contents will be appended. These will then be returned as the manifests property in the Driver outputs. See Generating manifests for more details.

Placeholders are resolved by the Platform Orchestrator before the General IaC Driver is called. This means that the content of the placeholder will already be resolved in the Driver inputs that the Driver receives. (This includes any placeholders in comments.)

Placeholders will not be resolved in content pulled from a Git source.

Job object

The job object provides all the information to properly build the Kubernetes Job that will run the runner container.

Property Type Description
image string The image the runner container will run.
shared_directory string The mount point of the directory shared among the main and the sidecar containers for exchanging inputs and outputs. Must not conflict with an existing folder of your runner image filesystem.
service_account string The Service Account the Kubernetes Job should run with.
command []string Entrypoint array. The provided container image’s ENTRYPOINT is used if this is not provided.
pod_template string [Optional] The Pod Template Spec manifest which defines the Kubernetes Job Pod in the target cluster.
namespace string [Optional] The Namespace where the Runner should run. If empty, the Driver assumes the Namespace is humanitec-runner.
variables object [Optional] A Map of environment variables to their non-secret content the Kubernetes Job will run with.

A Service Account must be created in the target Namespace and it should have been configured to have the permissions needed by the K8s Job to complete its execution.

Kubernetes Service Account
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: humanitec-container-runner
  namespace: humanitec-runner
kind: Role
  namespace: humanitec-runner
  name: humanitec-container-runner
- apiGroups: [""]
  resources: ["secrets", "configmaps"]
  verbs: ["create"]
kind: RoleBinding
  name: humanitec-container-runner
  namespace: humanitec-runner
  kind: Role
  name: humanitec-container-runner
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: humanitec-container-runner
  namespace: humanitec-runner
Pod Template

The Pod Template Spec defined in the pod_template field will be merged to the default one defined by the Container Driver as specified below:

Default Container runner Pod template
  restartPolicy: Never
  serviceAccountName: <job.service_account>
    - name: runner
      image: <job.image>
      imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
      - <job.command>
          memory: 1Gi
        allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
          - ALL
        runAsNonRoot: true
        runAsGroup: 1000
        runAsUser: 1000
          type: RuntimeDefault
      - name: ACTION
        value: create
      - mountPath: <job.shared_directory>
        name: shared-directory
    - name: outputs-fetcher
      command: ["/opt/container-driver/outputsfetcher"]
      restartPolicy: Always
        memory: 64Mi
      allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
        - ALL
      runAsNonRoot: true
      runAsGroup: 1000
      runAsUser: 1000
        type: RuntimeDefault
      - mountPath: <job.shared_directory>
        name: shared-directory
    - name: pre-checks
      command: ["/opt/container-driver/prechecks"]
      restartPolicy: Never
        memory: 64Mi
      allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
        - ALL
      runAsNonRoot: true
      runAsGroup: 1000
      runAsUser: 1000
        type: RuntimeDefault
      - mountPath: <job.shared_directory>
        name: shared-directory
    - name: git-init
      command: ["/opt/container-driver/inigit"]
      restartPolicy: Never
        memory: 1Gi
      allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
        - ALL
      runAsNonRoot: true
      runAsGroup: 1000
      runAsUser: 1000
        type: RuntimeDefault
      - mountPath: <job.shared_directory>
        name: shared-directory

A common use case is specifying a secret to use to pull the container runner image.

    - name: regcred

This assumes the existence of a Kubernetes Secret named regcred that hosts the registry credentials in the namespace where the K8s Job runs, as documented here .

As the Pod defined via job.pod_template is still supposed to work in combination with the Humanitec Container Driver and run the image built by Humanitec for the sidecar containers, not all the fields in the manifest can be overriden:

  • metadata.namespace can’t be overriden as it is already defined at Job level and specified in job.namespace value.
  • Some properties in the runner container can’t be overriden: args, env, envFrom and volumeMounts as defined by the Humanitec Container Driver, image and command as already handled by job.image and job.command.
  • Some properties in the init containers can’t be overriden as they are defined by the Humanitec Container Driver: args, command, env, envFrom, volumeMounts, workingDir.

Cluster object

The cluster object defines the properties the Driver uses to authenticate to the target cluster where the Kubernetes Job Runner should run.

Property Type Description
cluster object Object which contains the non-sensitive data needed to access the target cluster.
account string A Fully Qualified Cloud Account ID in the format <orgId>/<accountId> (not including <>).

To be able to successfully access the target k8s cluster, the object cluster should include the property cluster_type as well as specific properties according to the cluster type:

The identity assumed by the Driver to authenticate to the cluster must be configured to have the permissions needed to create the Kubernetes Job and handle inputs and outputs. See the instructions for each cluster_type:

credentials_config object

The credentials_config object describes how the provider credentials should be made available to the runner container.

Property Type Description
environment object Map whose keys are the environment values expected by the runner and value can be flattened credential keys (with . as delimiter) or credentials file path.
If the value is * it means that the whole credentials will be available at the specified environment variable. If the value at the specified key is an object, the environment variable assumes the stringified value of it.
Example: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: aws.accessKeyId
file string File path for the file that will be built from credentials. The file path can’t be absolute or use dots.
Example: credentials.json
script_variables object Object that allows to manipulate provider credentials and supply them as a JSON file containing script variables.
script_variables object
Property Type Description
file string The name of the json file that will host the script variables. If it’s relative, it will be mounted to the scripts directory, otherwise it will be treated as a mount point.
variables object Map whose keys are variables expected by the runner and values can be flattened credential keys (with . as delimiter) or credentials file path.
If the value is * it means that the whole credentials will be available at the specified variable.
If the key contains ., it is considered as a sub-field of a variable of type objects (e.g. “SECRET.ID: aws_access_key_id” generates a variable SECRET of type object which a field ID whose value is fetched by creds at path aws_access_key_id).
If the value at the specified key is an object, the variable is supplied to the scripts as an object, otherwise as a string.
Example: access_key: aws.accessKeyId

Source object

The source object defines how the Container Driver uses IaC scripts that are stored in Git. The supplied repository must be accessible to the Container K8s Job and credentials must be supplied if necessary.

Property Type Description
ref string [Optional] Full branch name or tag, or commit SHA, for example, /refs/heads/main.
url object Repository URL, for example, for SSH or for HTTPS.
username object [Optional] Username to authenticate. The default is git.

According to the value specified in the ref property, the git-init init container fetches the content in the repository at a specific reference:

  • If ref is a git reference (e.g. refs/heads/my-branch, refs/tags/my-tag), that branch or tag is checked out.
  • If ref is a valid commit SHA, that commit is checked out.
  • If ref is empty, the HEAD of the repository is checked out (generally main or master).

This means that if ref is not a commit SHA, we can’t ensure that the scripts used to provision a resource match exactly the ones used to delete the same resource as a branch (or a tag) might have been updated compared to when the resource provisioning happened.


Name Type Description
job object [Optional] Object which describes the sensitive data to configure the Kubernetes Job which will run in the target cluster.
cluster object [Optional] An object providing credentials and other sensitive information about how the Container Driver should connect to the target cluster.
files object [Optional] A Map of file paths to their sensitive content to create, according to their path, in the directory where the runner executes (if the path is relative) or at a specific mount point (if the path is absolute).
source object [Optional] Credentials to access the Git repository.

job object

The job object defines the environment variables with a sensitive value the container runner runs with.

Property Type Description
variables object [Optional] A map of environment variables to their secret content the target container will run with.

cluster object

The cluster object defines the sensitive data the Driver needs to reach the target cluster where the Kubernetes Job should run.

Property Type Description
agent_url object [Optional] The signed URL produced by the humanitec/agent driver. It is expected to be a reference to the url output of a Agent resource.

Source object

Credentials to be used to access the Git repository. The choice of credentials depends on the url format.

Property Type Description
password string [Optional] Password or Personal Account Token - for HTTPS.
ssh_key string [Optional] SSH Private key - for connections over SSH.


Interaction with Humanitec Resources

Resource Types in Humanitec have a specified Resource Output Schema. In order for a resource to be usable by the Platform Orchestrator, the Driver must generate the outputs complying with this schema. For the Container Driver, the outputs must be placed in the files named in the OUTPUTS_FILE and SECRET_OUTPUTS_FILE variables as per the contract .

Assuming that the IaC code executes some OpenTofu scripts, those scripts should specify output variables that ideally exactly match this schema. If they do not, the image implementation will have to map the names for the output files.

For example, the s3 Resource Type has the following properties in its output schema:

Name Type Description
bucket string The bucket name.
region string The region the bucket is hosted in.

Therefore, the OpenTofu module should have outputs defined similar to:

output "region" {
  value = module.aws_s3.s3_bucket_region

output "bucket" {
  value = module.aws_s3.s3_bucket_bucket_domain_name

The image implementation must read the OpenTofu outputs to create an OUTPUTS_FILE like this:

  "region": "eu-north-1",
  "bucket": "my-company-my-app-dev-bucket"


See the Container Driver examples page for a collection of examples.
