Manage workload identity


This guide describes a step-by-step blueprint showing how to manage workload identity for Kubernetes-based workloads, followed by a complete executable example.

Once set up by the platform team, developers will enjoy a fully automated, transparent provisioning of cloud permissions to the resources they request via Score without having to know about, or even be aware of, how such permissions are managed in your cloud.

Developers will be able to choose the kind of permission their workload requires on a particular resource, i.e. “admin” or “read-only”. The solution supports access to the same resource by one or many workloads using any access level.

The guide leverages the workload identity solutions of the major cloud providers. While the details vary greatly, they work by associating a set of permissions to cloud resources via the Kubernetes service account a workload runs as:

graph LR
  service_account_1 o-.-o permissions_1[Permissions] o-.-o cloud_resource_a
  subgraph k8s[K8s cluster]
    direction LR
    service_account_1[ServiceAccount 1] o--o workload_1[Workload 1]
    service_account_2[ServiceAccount 2] o--o workload_2[Workload 2]
  permissions_1 o-.-o cloud_resource_b
  service_account_2 o-.-o permissions_2[Permissions] o-.-o cloud_resource_b

  workload_1 -->|read-only| cloud_resource_a[Cloud resource A]
  workload_1 -->|admin| cloud_resource_b
  workload_2 -->|read-only| cloud_resource_b[Cloud resource B]

The guide on Modeling identities in the Resource Graph elaborates on the different patterns in greater detail.

Supported services

Currently supported providers and clusters are:

We are currently preparing to expand coverage to these providers:

Provision a Kubernetes service account

The cloud providers’ workload identity solutions require the use of a Kubernetes service account for your workload. A cloud identity is then associated with that service account to assign permissions to cloud resources.

The first step is therefore to extend the Resource Graph so that every workload depends on a dedicated service account with all the required annotations, labels, or other attributes required for the workload identity mechanism of the cloud provider.

A recommended practice is to source any values the service account requires from a separate config Resource.

title: Creating a service account and sourcing values from a config
graph LR
  workload-1("workload-1<br/>type: workload<br/>class: default<br/>id: modules.hello-gcp-1") -->|references| k8s_service_account_1("K8S ServiceAccount 1<br/>type: k8s-service-account<br/>class: default<br/>id: modules.hello-gcp-1") -->|references| cluster_config_gke("GKE config<br/>type: config<br/>class: default<br/>id: gke-config")

  class k8s_service_account_1,cluster_config_gke highlight

Follow these steps to achieve this Graph setup:

  1. Have the Platform Orchestrator automatically provision a Kubernetes ServiceAccount for every workload. Provide a Resource Definition of Type workload that is requesting a Resource of type k8s-service-account and adding it to the workload specification.
Sample workload Resource Definition

custom-workload.yaml ( view on GitHub ) :

# This Resource Definition uses the Template Driver to assign a custom Kubernetes service account to a workload
# to facilitate workload identity
kind: Definition
  id: wi-gcp-custom-workload
  name: wi-gcp-custom-workload
  type: workload
  driver_type: humanitec/template
        # Request a resource of type 'k8s-service-account' in the Resource Graph
        # and add its name to the workload spec
        outputs: |
            - op: add
              path: /spec/serviceAccountName
              value: ${}
  # Adjust matching criteria as required
  - app_id: workload-identity-test-gcp
  1. Provide a Resource Definition to provision the k8s-service-account requested by the workload.

    The service account represents the identity of the Workload. It must provide the required output(s) for identifying this identity, depending on the cloud provider. Refer to the outputs of the sample Resource Definition to see the implementation details.

Sample service account Resource Definition

custom-service-account.yaml ( view on GitHub ) :

# This Resource Definition uses the Template Driver to create a Kubernetes service account.
# It pulls central configuration parameters from `config` Resources.
# It returns the "principal" string for the ServiceAccount to configure GKE workload identity.
kind: Definition
  id: wi-gcp-custom-service-account
  driver_type: humanitec/template
  name: wi-gcp-custom-service-account
  type: k8s-service-account
      res_id: ${}
      gke_project_id: ${resources['config.default#gke-config'].outputs.gke_project_id}
      gke_project_number: ${resources['config.default#gke-config'].outputs.gke_project_number}
      # Using the id `k8s-namespace`, this reference targets the existing, implicitly created namespace resource
      k8s_namespace: "${resources['k8s-namespace.default#k8s-namespace'].outputs.namespace}"
        init: |
          res_id: {{ .driver.values.res_id }}
          {{- $res_name := index (splitList "." .driver.values.res_id) 1 }}
          name: {{ $res_name | toRawJson }}
          principal: principal://{{ .driver.values.gke_project_number }}/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/{{ .driver.values.gke_project_id }}{{ .driver.values.k8s_namespace }}/sa/{{ $res_name }}
        manifests: |
            location: namespace
              apiVersion: v1
              kind: ServiceAccount
                name: {{ }}
                  hum-res: {{ .init.res_id }}
        outputs: |
          name: {{ }}
          principal: {{ .init.principal }}
  # Adjust matching criteria as required
  - app_id: workload-identity-test-gcp
  1. We recommend you provide cluster configuration values via a centralized config resource to reduce redundancy. The service account Resource Definition shown in the previous step contains references to such a resource via ${resources['config.default...} placeholders.

    By naming a Resource ID in the reference (the part after the # sign), the Resource will be a Shared Resource and unique in the Graph. All other Resources using the same reference will use the same Resource.

Sample cluster config Resource Definition

gke-config.yaml ( view on GitHub ) :

# This Resource Definition of type "config" uses the Template Driver to provide configuration values
# to other Resource Definitions for accessing the GKE cluster
kind: Definition
  id: wi-gcp-gke-config
  name: wi-gcp-gke-config
  type: config
  driver_type: humanitec/template
  # The identity configured in this Cloud Account needs permission
  # to deploy Workloads to your GKE cluster
  driver_account: YOURORG/YOURACCOUNT
        outputs: |
          gke_project_id: YOURVALUE
          # Keep the "" around the value of gke_project_number
          gke_project_number: "YOURVALUE"
    - class: default
      res_id: gke-config
      env_type: development
      app_id: workload-identity-test-gcp

Now extend the Graph to provision the actual cloud service.

Provision cloud service and permissions

Now enable the Platform Orchestrator to provision a cloud service of the desired type which your workload will eventually access using workload identity.

We describe a basic and advanced setup for you to choose from going forward. Please read through both setups to find which one suits your needs. The example section further down features sample implementations for both setups.

This guide uses these cloud services as examples:

Basic setup


The basic setup for accessing a cloud service using workload identity has these features:

  • All workloads requesting a resource via Score receive the same level of access, e.g. a “reader” or “admin” access, as defined by the platform team
  • Developers therefore do not need to, and cannot, request a particular level of access on a resource they request via Score
  • Resources may be both private to a single Workload or shared between Workloads
  • The resulting Resource Graph is simpler than the advanced setup

If you require flexible access levels per workload for developers to choose from, the advanced setup is for you. Please read through the basic setup in any case as they share the same foundation.

Add cloud service and permissions Resources

Add these Resources to the Graph to establish the basic setup:

  1. The cloud service Resource requested via Score
  2. A permissions/policy Resource provisioning the required cloud permissions for all workloads using that cloud service instance
  3. (recommended) Another config to centrally maintain parameters for the cloud service

Target Resource Graph (basic)

Adding those elements extends the Resource Graph like this:

Adding gcs bucket, bucket policy, and app config
graph LR
  workload-1("workload-1<br/>type: workload<br/>class: default<br/>id: modules.hello-gcp-1") --->|depends on| bucket-1("bucket-1<br/>type: gcs<br/>class: default<br/>id: modules.hello-gcp-1.externals.bucket-1")
  policy-bucket-1("Policy for bucket-1<br/>type: gcp-iam-policy-binding<br/>class: gcs-default<br/>id: modules.hello-gcp-1.externals.bucket-1") -.->|resource selector| k8s_service_account_1
  policy-bucket-1 -->|co-provisioned by /<br/>depends on| bucket-1
  app_config_gke("App config<br/>type: config<br/>class: default<br/>id: app-config")
  bucket-1 -->|references| app_config_gke
  workload-1 -->|references| k8s_service_account_1("K8S ServiceAccount 1<br/>type: k8s-service-account<br/>class: default<br/>id: modules.hello-gcp-1") -->|references| cluster_config_gke("GKE config<br/>type: config<br/>class: default<br/>id: gke-config")
  policy-bucket-1 -->|references| app_config_gke

  class bucket-1,policy-bucket-1,app_config_gke highlight
Corresponding Score file

This Score file will produce that Graph:

  name: hello-gcp-1
    image: .
      GCS_BUCKET_1_NAME: ${}
    type: gcs

These mechanisms create the Graph:

  1. The Score file requests a resource of the type of your cloud service, adding it to the Graph as a dependent Resource of the workload.
Sample cloud service Resource Definition

gcs.yaml ( view on GitHub ) :

# This Resource Definition of type `gcs` uses the Terraform Driver to provision a gcs bucket
kind: Definition
  id: wi-gcp-gcs
  driver_type: humanitec/terraform-runner
  name: wi-gcp-gcs
  type: gcs
  # The identity used in this Cloud Account is the one executing the Terraform code
  # It needs permissions to manage Cloud Storage buckets
  driver_account: ${resources['config.default#app-config'].account}
      append_logs_to_error: true
        app_id: "${}"
        env_id: "${}"
        res_id: "${}"
        project_id: ${resources['config.default#app-config'].outputs.project_id}
        region: ${resources['config.default#app-config'].outputs.region}
          access_token: access_token
      files: |
          terraform {
            required_providers {
              google = {
                source  = "hashicorp/google"
              random = {
                source  = "hashicorp/random"
          } |
          locals {
            workload_id = split(".", var.res_id)[1]
          variable "access_token" {
            type      = string
            sensitive = true
          variable "app_id" {}
          variable "env_id" {}
          variable "res_id" {}
          variable "project_id" {}
          variable "region" {} |
          provider "google" {
            access_token = var.access_token
            default_labels = {
              "humanitec"  = "true"
              "hum-app"    = var.app_id
              "hum-env"    = var.env_id
              "hum-res"    = replace(var.res_id, ".", "-")
              "managed-by" = "terraform"
          resource "random_string" "bucket_name" {
            length  = 10
            special = false
            lower   = true
            upper   = false
          resource "google_storage_bucket" "bucket" {
            project                     = var.project_id
            name                        = random_string.bucket_name.result
            location                    = var.region
            uniform_bucket_level_access = true
            force_destroy               = true
          } |
          output "name" {
            value =
    # Co-provision an IAM Policy resource of class "gcs-default" for this default gcs
    # By not specifying an ID, the co-provisioned gcp-iam-policy-binding will have the same ID as the present resource
      is_dependent: true
  # Adjust matching criteria as required
  - app_id: workload-identity-test-gcp
  1. That cloud service Resource co-provisions a Resource to create the cloud permissions/policy. Look for the provision: statement in the sample Resource Definition above.

    The Resource Type to use for this Definition depends on the cloud provider:

    The permissions/policy Resource performs a lookup into the Graph to find the identities of all workloads depending on the same resource, using a Resource selector . Note that this may be more than one workload for a Shared Resource (the example below shows such a setup).

    It then provisions the required permission or policy resources, using the level of access that is defined in the Resource Definition IaC code.

Sample permissions/policy Resource Definition

gcs-iam-member.yaml ( view on GitHub ) :

# This Resource Definition uses the Terraform Driver to create IAM policies for gcs resources
kind: Definition
  id: wi-gcp-gcs-iam-member
  driver_type: humanitec/terraform-runner
  name: wi-gcp-gcs-iam-member
  type: gcp-iam-policy-binding
  # The identity used in this Cloud Account is the one executing the Terraform code
  # It needs permissions to manage IAM members
  driver_account: ${resources['config.default#app-config'].account}
        res_class: ${context.res.class}
        # Obtain the bucket name from the bucket resource this resource depends on
        gcs_bucket_name: ${resources['gcs.default']}
        # This Resource selector traverses the Graph to get the "principal" output
        # from all k8s-service-account resources that require access
        # 1. Start with the gcs resource of class "default" and the same ID as the present resource
        #    This effectively matches the gcs that co-provisioned the present resource
        # 2. Find all the workloads that depend on that gcs
        # 3. Find all the k8s-service-accounts that these workloads depend on
        # 4. For each k8s-service-account, read its "principal" output
        # Notes:
        # - The present gcp-iam-policy-binding depends on the gcs because the gcs co-provisions it with is_dependent = true
        # - The selector may return more than one element because more than one workload may depend on the gcs
        #   if the gcs is a Shared Resource
        principals: ${resources['gcs.default<workload>k8s-service-account'].outputs.principal}
          access_token: access_token
      files: |
          terraform {
            required_providers {
              google = {
                source  = "hashicorp/google"
          } |
          variable "res_class" {}
          variable "access_token" {
            type      = string
            sensitive = true
          variable "gcs_bucket_name" {}
          # This variable is a set because a resource selector, which is used to retrieve it, always returns an array
          variable "principals" {
            type = set(string)
          } |
          provider "google" {
            access_token = var.access_token
          # Create one IAM member for each principal using a role of your choice
          resource "google_storage_bucket_iam_member" "iam_member" {
            for_each = var.principals
            bucket  = var.gcs_bucket_name
            role    = "roles/storage.objectAdmin"
            member  = each.key
          } |
          # This output is for debugging and illustration purposes only
          output "principals" {
            value = join(",", var.principals)
  # Match the class that is used in the "provision" statement in the gcs Resource Definition
  - class: gcs-default
  1. Similar to the externalized cluster configuration, we recommend to centrally provide app configuration values via another config Resource. The cloud service Resource Definition can reference that Resource via ${resources['config.default#app-config'].
Sample app config Resource Definition

app-config.yaml ( view on GitHub ) :

# This Resource Definition of type "config" uses the Template Driver to provide configuration values
# to other Resource Definitions for accessing the Google Cloud Project
kind: Definition
  id: wi-gcp-app-config
  name: wi-gcp-app-config
  type: config
  driver_type: humanitec/template
  # The identity used in this Cloud Account needs permission to manage
  # the kinds of cloud resources used in the example
  driver_account: YOURVALUE
        outputs: |
          project_id: YOURVALUE
          region: YOURVALUE
    - class: default
      res_id: app-config
      env_type: development
      app_id: workload-identity-test-gcp

All workloads requesting a resource of the proper type via Score will now automatically receive permissions via workload identity according to the defined access level.

Advanced setup


The advanced setup has extends the basic setup for greater flexibility:

  • Developers select a particular access class via Score, e.g. “reader” or “admin”, for each resource
  • For a Shared Resource, different Workloads may choose different access levels
  • An additional layer is added to the resulting Resource Graph, increasing its complexity compared to the basic setup

To provide this flexibility, the advanced setup introduces an intermediate Resource to the Graph called a Delegator Resource . This Resource is located in front of the concrete Resource that represents the actual cloud service instance.

Developers request an access classes as a Resource Class via Score:

    type: some-resource-type
    class: type-read-only

That class is used in the Matching Criteria of the Delegator Resource Definition. Whenever a Resource of a certain access class is requested via Score, that request provisions a Delegator of the requested class which then performs these functions:

  1. Request, and therefore provision, the actual concrete cloud service Resource
  2. Pass through any outputs of the concrete Resource to the upstream elements in the Graph
  3. Co-provision a cloud permissions Resource for that particular access level, expressed through the Resource class
Sample Delegator Resource Definition

gcs-delegator.yaml ( view on GitHub ) :

# This Resource Definition of type `gcs` implements a "Delegator" resource
kind: Definition
  id: wi-gcp-gcs-delegator
  driver_type: humanitec/echo
  name: wi-gcp-gcs-delegator
  type: gcs
      # Referencing the "concrete" Resource and passing through all of its outputs
      name: ${resources['gcs.default']}
    # Co-provision an IAM Policy resource for this class of gcs
    # The gcp-iam-policy-binding resource will have the same class and ID as the present resource
      is_dependent: true
  # Adjust matching criteria as required, but must match all access classes
  - class: gcs-admin
    app_id: workload-identity-test-gcp
  - class: gcs-read-only
    app_id: workload-identity-test-gcp

Target Resource Graph (advanced)

The extended Resource Graph will then look like this for a workload requesting “read-only” access to a private resource:

title: Adding a "gcs" Delegator Resource
graph LR
  workload-1("workload-1<br/>type: workload<br/>class: default<br/>id: modules.hello-gcp-1") --->|depends on| bucket-1-delegator-read-only("bucket-1 Delegator for read-only access<br/>type: gcs<br/>class: gcs-read-only<br/>id: modules.hello-gcp-1.externals.bucket-1")
  bucket-1-delegator-read-only -->|references| bucket-1-concrete("bucket-1 concrete<br/>type: gcs<br/>class: default<br/>id: modules.hello-gcp-1.externals.bucket-1")
  policy-bucket-1-admin("Policy for bucket-1 read-only access<br/>type: gcp-iam-policy-binding<br/>class: gcs-read-only<br/>id: modules.hello-gcp-1.externals.bucket-1") -.->|resource selector| k8s_service_account_1
  policy-bucket-1-admin -->|co-provisioned by /<br/>depends on| bucket-1-delegator-read-only
  app_config_gke("App config<br/>type: config<br/>class: default<br/>id: app-config")
  bucket-1-concrete -->|references| app_config_gke
  workload-1 -->|references| k8s_service_account_1("K8S ServiceAccount 1<br/>type: k8s-service-account<br/>class: default<br/>id: modules.hello-gcp-1") --->|references| cluster_config_gke("GKE config<br/>type: config<br/>class: default<br/>id: gke-config")
  policy-bucket-1-admin -->|references| app_config_gke

  class bucket-1-delegator-read-only highlight
Corresponding Score file

This Score file will produce the Graph. Note that it now requests a class for the gcs resource.

  name: hello-gcp-1
    image: .
      GCS_BUCKET_1_NAME: ${}
    type: gcs
    # Adding the class to request a particular access
    class: gcs-read-only

The permissions/policy resource now becomes dynamic. In the basic setup, it always provisioned the same permissions to all associated workload identities. Now it uses its own Resource class to determine the corresponding permissions. The exact implementation depends on the IaC tooling. Our example shows a Terraform implementation.

The Resource Definitions for both the Delegator and the permissions/policy Resource must match all access classes you define.

Sample permissions/policy Resource Definition

gcs-iam-member.yaml ( view on GitHub ) :

# This Resource Definition uses the Terraform Driver to create IAM policies for gcs resources
kind: Definition
  id: wi-gcp-gcs-iam-member
  driver_type: humanitec/terraform-runner
  name: wi-gcp-gcs-iam-member
  type: gcp-iam-policy-binding
  # The identity used in this Cloud Account is the one executing the Terraform code
  # It needs permissions to manage IAM members
  driver_account: ${resources['config.default#app-config'].account}
        res_class: ${context.res.class}
        # Obtain the bucket name from the bucket resource this resource depends on (same class and ID)
        gcs_bucket_name: ${}
        # This Resource selector traverses the Graph to get the "principal" output
        # from all k8s-service-account resources that require access
        # 1. Start with the gcs resource of the same class and ID as the present resource
        #    This effectively matches the gcs Delegator that co-provisioned the present resource
        # 2. Find all the workloads that depend on that gcs Delegator
        # 3. Find all the k8s-service-accounts that these workloads depend on
        # 4. For each k8s-service-account, read its "principal" output
        # Notes:
        # - The present gcp-iam-policy-binding depends on the gcs Delegator because the gcs Delegator co-provisions it with is_dependent = true
        # - The selector may return more than one element because more than one workload may depend on the gcs Delegator
        #   if the gcs Delegator is a Shared Resource
        principals: ${resources['gcs<workload>k8s-service-account'].outputs.principal}
          access_token: access_token
      files: |
          terraform {
            required_providers {
              google = {
                source  = "hashicorp/google"
          } |
          variable "res_class" {}
          variable "access_token" {
            type      = string
            sensitive = true
          variable "gcs_bucket_name" {}
          # This variable is a set because a resource selector, which is used to retrieve it, always returns an array
          variable "principals" {
            type = set(string)
          # Define the roles for each access class
          locals {
            roles = {
              "gcs-read-only" = "roles/storage.objectViewer"
              "gcs-admin"     = "roles/storage.objectAdmin"
          } |
          provider "google" {
            access_token = var.access_token
          # Create one IAM member for each principal using the role for the current access class
          resource "google_storage_bucket_iam_member" "iam_member" {
            for_each = var.principals
            bucket  = var.gcs_bucket_name
            role    = local.roles[var.res_class]
            member  = each.key
          } |
          # This output is for debugging and illustration purposes only
          output "principals" {
            value = join(",", var.principals)
  # Match the class that is used in the "provision" statement in the gcs Delegator Resource Definition
  - class: gcs-read-only
  - class: gcs-admin

Providing an access class

Follow these steps to provide an access class:

  1. Decide on the access class you wish to support, e.g. “gcs-read-only” or “s3-admin”. The class name must be unique across Resource Types to ensure proper matching of all Resource Definitions.

  2. Determine the set of permissions, defined by e.g. a cloud role or policy, to be assigned for this access class. The details depend on your cloud provider. Any role or policy objects to be assigned must be maintained outside of the Platform Orchestrator because their lifecycle is not bound to any Deployment or Application Environment.

  3. Expand the cloud permissions/policy Resource Definition:

  • Add the new access class to its matching criteria
  • Cover the cloud role or policy to be used for the access class in the IaC code used in the Resource Definition
  1. Add the new access class to the matching criteria of the Delegator Resource Definition.

Register the Resource Classes

We generally recommend that you register all Resource Classes with the Platform Orchestrator to support developers with better validation. See Creating a Resource Class for details.

Supporting more Resource Types

To support another Resource Type with workload identity, you need to:

  1. Provide the concrete Resource Definition for the Resource Type to perform the actual provisioning using IaC tooling
  2. Provide the permissions/policy Resource Definition for the Resource Type
    • Follow the examples for basic or advanced setup
  3. (Advanced setup only) Provide all access classes you wish to support

No change to the workload and k8s-service-account Resource Definitions is required.

Request Resources via Score

These principles apply for requesting resources via Score:

  • Developers may specify an id for any resource in Score to make it a Shared Resource
  • ( Advanced setup only) Developers must specify a class out of the supported set of access classes for that type

Examples show the resources section only.

Score examples (basic setup)
Score file 1Score file 2Resource access
    type: some-resource-type
    type: some-resource-type

  • Separate Resources because both are Private (no id)
  • Both workloads have the standard access to their Private Resource
    type: some-resource-type
    id: resource-1
    type: some-resource-type
    id: resource-1

  • Same Shared Resource due to same type and id
  • Both workloads have the standard access to the Shared Resource
Score examples (advanced setup)
Score file 1Score file 2Resource access
    type: some-resource-type
    class: type-read-only
    id: resource-1
    type: some-resource-type
    class: type-read-only

  • Separate Resources because one is Shared, one is Private
  • Both workloads have read-only access to their Resource
    type: some-resource-type
    class: type-read-only
    id: resource-1
    type: some-resource-type
    class: type-admin
    id: resource-1

  • Same Shared Resource due to same type and id
  • The two workloads have read-only and admin access to the Resource, respectively
    type: some-resource-type
    class: type-read-only
    id: resource-1
    type: some-resource-type
    class: type-admin
    id: resource-2

  • Separate Shared Resources due to different id
  • The two workloads have read-only and admin access to the Resources, respectively


Sample implementations of both the basic and the advanced setup in this guide are available in this public GitHub repository . It showcases a number of access level variations and two types of cloud resources for each cloud provider.


To run the example, you’ll need:

  • A Humanitec Organization and a user with permission to manage Resource Definitions, create Applications, and perform Deployments
  • The humctl CLI installed
  • A Kubernetes cluster for Workload deployments of one of the types listed above , with the respective workload identity solution enabled
  • This Kubernetes cluster connected to the Platform Orchestrator. If you do not have the cluster connected yet, these are your options:
Options to connect your Kubernetes cluster

Five-minute-IDP Bring your own cluster Reference architecture
Set up a local demo cluster following the Five-minute IDP

Duration: 5 min

No need to deploy the demo Workload, just perform the setup

Ephemeral (throw-away) setup for demo purposes

Connect an existing cluster by following the Quickstart

up to “Connect your cluster” (guided), or using the instructions in Kubernetes


Duration: 15-30 min

One-time effort per cluster, can be re-used going forward

Set up the reference architecture

Duration: 15-30 min

Creates a new cluster plus supporting cloud infrastructure, and connects it to the Platform Orchestrator

  • A Cloud Account with permission to manage these kinds of cloud resources. It may be the same or a separate Cloud Account from the one you use to connect to your cluster:
  • A Kubernetes cluster set up for executing the example Terraform code using the Terraform Runner Driver . It can be the same or a different cluster than the one used for Workload deployments. See the Driver page for setup details.


Clone the repository:

git clone

Login to the Platform Orchestrator:

humctl login

Follow the instructions for your cloud provider:

  • Navigate into the gcp/common directory:
cd gcp/common
  • Edit the config Resource Definitions at ./resource-definitions/app-config.yaml, ./resource-definitions/gke-config.yaml, and ./resource-definitions/runner-config.yaml. Replace all values marked YOURVALUE to match your setup

  • Create the demo Application and add common Resource Definitions to your Organization:

humctl apply -f ./app.yaml
humctl apply -f ./resource-definitions
  • Create the matching criteria app_id: workload-identity-test-gcp on the existing Resource Definition of your target GKE cluster for Workload deployments so that the upcoming Deployment will use that cluster

  • Create the same matching criteria on the Humanitec Agent Resource Definition used to access that cluster

  • Navigate to either the basic or advanced directory to execute the setup of your choice:

# To execute the "basic" setup
cd ../basic
# To execute the "advanced" setup
cd ../advanced
  • Create the Resource Definition for the setup:
humctl apply -f ./resource-definitions
  • Deploy the set of demo workloads into the demo Application all at once:
humctl score deploy --deploy-config deploy-config.yaml \
  --app workload-identity-test-gcp --env development
  • Open the Humanitec Portal and navigate to the development Environment of Application workload-identity-test-gcp. You should see a Deployment in process.

  • While the Deployment is ongoing, inspect the Score files used for it. Note how the resources sections request resources with varying id and class settings:

Basic setup

score-1.yaml ( view on GitHub ) :

  name: hello-gcp-1
    image: .
    command: ["sleep","infinity"]
      GCS_BUCKET_1_NAME: ${}
      GCS_BUCKET_2_NAME: ${}
      SPANNER_1_INSTANCE: ${resources.spanner-1.instance}
    type: gcs
    type: gcs
    id: bucket-1
    type: gcs
    id: bucket-2
    type: spanner-instance
    id: spanner-1

score-2.yaml ( view on GitHub ) :

  name: hello-gcp-2
    image: .
    command: ["sleep","infinity"]
      GCP_BUCKET_2_NAME: ${}
    type: gcs
    id: bucket-2

score-3.yaml ( view on GitHub ) :

  name: hello-gcp-3
    image: .
    command: ["sleep","infinity"]
      GCP_BUCKET_2_NAME: ${}
      SPANNER_1_INSTANCE: ${resources.spanner-1.instance}
    type: gcs
    id: bucket-2
    type: spanner-instance
    id: spanner-1
Advanced setup

score-1.yaml ( view on GitHub ) :

  name: hello-gcp-1
    image: .
    command: ["sleep","infinity"]
      GCS_BUCKET_1_NAME: ${}
      GCS_BUCKET_2_NAME: ${}
      SPANNER_1_INSTANCE: ${resources.spanner-1.instance}
    type: gcs
    class: gcs-read-only
    # no "id" for a private resource
    type: gcs
    class: gcs-admin
    id: bucket-1
    type: gcs
    class: gcs-read-only
    id: bucket-2
    type: spanner-instance
    class: spanner-instance-reader
    id: spanner-1

score-2.yaml ( view on GitHub ) :

  name: hello-gcp-2
    image: .
    command: ["sleep","infinity"]
      GCP_BUCKET_2_NAME: ${}
    type: gcs
    class: gcs-read-only
    id: bucket-2

score-3.yaml ( view on GitHub ) :

  name: hello-gcp-3
    image: .
    command: ["sleep","infinity"]
      GCP_BUCKET_2_NAME: ${}
      SPANNER_1_INSTANCE: ${resources.spanner-1.instance}
    type: gcs
    class: gcs-admin
    id: bucket-2
    type: spanner-instance
    class: spanner-instance-admin
    id: spanner-1
  • Once the deployment finished, the Portal should display the Resource Graph showing all workloads, cloud resourses, and supporting elements. Nagivate through the Graph to see the connections

  • Open the Storage Browser and the Spanner instances in the Google Cloud console. Observe the instances created and check their permissions. You should see the appropriate permissions for each service account principal on each single resource

Testing resource access

You can test for real whether the workloads deployed through the example have the proper access level. The example is using SDK images maintained by the cloud providers for the workloads (check the deploy-config.yaml file for the specific image). You can open a shell in the running containers and perform CLI commands against the cloud resources. Doing so requires kubectl access to the target cluster.

Obtain the Kubernetes namespace name for the example deployment (fill in the <placeholders>):

humctl get active-resource \
  /orgs/<my-org>/apps/workload-identity-test-<cloud>/envs/development/resources \
  -oyaml \
  | yq -r '.[] | select (.metadata.type == "k8s-namespace") | .status.resource.namespace'

Locate the workload Pods running in that namespace. Choose one, open a shell using kubectl exec, and issue test commands like shown below.

To locate the target resources, it is easiest to use the Humanitec Portal UI. Find the Application named workload-identity-test-<cloud> and open its development Environment. Navigate the Resource Graph and click on any resource to see its details.

# Open a shell into a workload Pod
kubectl exec -it -n <namespace> <pod> -- /bin/bash

# Test read access to a gcs bucket
gcloud storage ls gs://my-bucketname
# Test write access to a gcs bucket
echo foo > foo.txt
gcloud storage cp foo.txt gs://my-bucketname

# Test admin access by creating a database in a spanner instance
gcloud spanner databases create testdb --instance=my-instance-id
# Test read access by listing databases in a spanner instance
gcloud spanner databases list --instance=my-instance-id

Switching from basic to advanced setup

The sample implementations support switching from the basic to the advanced setup even for existing deployments with some restrictions.

The cloud service resources themselves will be continued, preserving all data stored in them. However, existing workloads may have the sum of the previous (basic) and new (advanced) access permissions.

To make the switch, execute these commands:

# Navigate to the **/advanced directory
cd ./gcp/advanced
# Install the advanced set of Resource Definitions
# This will override some existing Definitions from the basic setup
humctl apply -f resource-definitions/
# Deploy the workloads
humctl score deploy --deploy-config deploy-config.yaml --app workload-identity-test-gcp --env development

Cleaning up

Once finished observing the example setup, clean up:

  • Delete the Application. This will, with a few minutes delay, also remove the cloud resources:

    # Move to your cloud directory
    cd <cloud>
    # Delete the Application
    humctl delete -f ./common/app.yaml
  • Using the target cloud tooling, console or portal, ensure that all cloud resources have been deleted

  • You will then be able to remove the remaining Orchestrator objects:

    humctl delete -f ./common/resource-definitions
    # Remove basic or advanced objects depending on what you used
    humctl delete -f ./basic/resource-definitions
    humctl delete -f ./advanced/resource-definitions


You have seen how to:

  • ✅ Set up the Platform Orchestrator to automatically leverage the cloud provider’s workload identity solution for Kubernetes-based workloads
  • ✅ Work with Private and Shared Resources
  • ✅ Optionally define and offer access classes on cloud resources to developers, and use those access classes via Score


Verify your workload identity setup

Some cloud providers provide instructions for testing the workload identity setup on your cluster. You may need to adjust the commands to fit your type of target cloud resource.

Permissions not provisioned for a Shared Resource

If your deployment succeeded, but permissions were not provisioned for a workload on a particular Shared Resource in your cloud, verify your setup:

  • Does the Score file request the proper Resource Type/access class combination in its resources? See the Score examples above for guidance
    • If not, correct the entry
    • If yes: Does the workload depend on the requested resource (basic) or on the Delegator Resource for the Shared Resource/access class combination (advanced) that is requested via Score?
      • If yes: verify the structure of the remaining Graph, comparing it with the example for the basic and advanced setup. Check proper matching criteria for all relevant Resource Definitions
      • If no: there might not be a reference to the resource (e.g. ${}) in the Score file. Add one, e.g. by populating a container variable

Re-deploy the Environment to apply your changes.
