Dynamic previews

How to integrate Dynamic Previews in your CI/CD Pipeline with the Humanitec Platform Orchestrator

To use dynamic preview Environment, you must create a GitHub Action and notify Humanitec about the newly pushed image in the CI step. For more information, see preview-envs-action on GitHub’s marketplace. For information on using ephemeral Environments with your pipeline, see Deploy ephemeral Environments


input Required Description
humanitec-token Yes The Humanitec API token.
humanitec-org Yes The name of the Humanitec Organization.
humanitec-app Yes The name of the Humanitec Application.
action Yes The action to be performed. Valid values: create | delete
base-env No The source Environment Id. Defaults: development
image No The image of the Workload that should be deployed. Default: registry.humanitec.io/${humanitec-org}/${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}
environment-url-template No Provides a custom mustache template for the Environment URL. Default: https://app.humanitec.io/orgs/{{orgId}}/apps/{{appId}}/envs/{{envId}}
humanitec-api No Uses a different Humanitec API host.
github-token No GitHub token used for commenting inside the Pull Request.


The following are examples on how to use Dynamic Preview Environments in your GitHub actions.


The following example demonstrates how to create a preview when the Pull Request is opened or reopened.

name: Create Preview environment

    types: [opened, reopened]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - uses: humanitec/preview-envs-action@v1
          humanitec-token: ${{ secrets.HUMANITEC_TOKEN }}
          humanitec-org: my-org
          humanitec-app: my-app
          action: create
          github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}


The following example demonstrates how to delete a preview when the Pull Request is closed.

name: Delete Preview environment

    types: [closed]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - uses: humanitec/preview-envs-action@v1
          humanitec-token: ${{ secrets.HUMANITEC_TOKEN }}
          humanitec-org: my-org
          humanitec-app: my-app
          action: delete
          github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Notify CI pipeline

Add the following code to your CI pipeline. This should be added after the snip which notifies Humanitec about the newly pushed image.

- uses: humanitec/preview-envs-action@v1
    humanitec-org: my-org
    humanitec-app: my-app
    action: notify
    github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    environment-url-template: https://dev-{{envId}}.my-domain.app

Configure Environment variables

Configure the following environment variables to run the Action with Humanitec.


Step by Step Guide on Using Dynamic Preview Environment with GitHub Actions

This guide will walk you through the steps to use Dynamic Preview Environment with GitHub Actions and Humanitec.


Before starting, ensure that you have a GitHub and a Humanitec account. If not, sign up for both.

Now, get started by generating a Humanitec API token.

Step 1: Generate Humanitec API Token

The first step is to generate your Humanitec API token. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your Humanitec account.
  2. From the left navigation menu, select API Tokens.
  3. Enter a Token ID, and select Generate new token.

Now that your API token is generated, set up the environment variables.

Step 2: Set environment variables

In your GitHub repository, configure your secrets, which are environment variables that are encrypted and can only be accessed by steps in the same job.

  1. Navigate to your GitHub repository.
  2. Choose Settings and navigate to the Secrets section.
  3. Select New repository secret.
  4. Add the following secrets and their corresponding values:
    • HUMANITEC_TOKEN: The token you generated from Humanitec.
    • HUMANITEC_ORG: The name of your Humanitec organization.
    • HUMANITEC_APP: The name of your Humanitec application.
  5. Select on Add secret to save each one.

Step 3: Create GitHub Action

To use Dynamic Preview Environment, you’ll need to create a GitHub Action that uses the humanitec/preview-envs-action@v1 action. Follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the Actions tab in your GitHub repository.
  2. Select New Workflow.
  3. Select Set up a workflow yourself.
  4. Paste the following YAML code in the editor:
name: Create Preview environment

    types: [opened, reopened]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - uses: humanitec/preview-envs-action@v1
          humanitec-token: ${{ secrets.HUMANITEC_TOKEN }}
          humanitec-org: ${{ secrets.HUMANITEC_ORG }}
          humanitec-app: ${{ secrets.HUMANITEC_APP }}
          action: create
          github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
  1. Choose Start commit and then Commit new file to save the workflow.

Step 4: Delete Preview Environment on Pull Request Closure

To delete the preview environment when a pull request is closed, you’ll need to create another GitHub Action. Repeat Step 3, but replace the YAML code with the following:

name: Delete Preview environment

    types: [closed]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - uses: humanitec/preview-envs-action@v1
          humanitec-token: ${{ secrets.HUMANITEC_TOKEN }}
          humanitec-org: ${{ secrets.HUMANITEC_ORG }}
          humanitec-app: ${{ secrets.HUMANITEC_APP }}
          action: delete
          github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Step 5: Notifying CI pipeline about the New Image

Add the following code to your existing CI pipeline. This code notifies the Humanitec Platform Orchestrator about the newly pushed image.

- uses: humanitec/preview-envs-action@v1
    humanitec-org: ${{ secrets.HUMANITEC_ORG }}
    humanitec-app: ${{ secrets.HUMANITEC_APP }}
    action: notify
    github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    environment-url-template: https://dev-{{envId}}.my-domain.app


If you encounter an error message saying Error Environment development has never been deployed, it means that you haven’t deployed an application to the environment. To resolve this, deploy an application to the environment in your Humanitec account.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully set up dynamic preview environments in your GitHub actions with the Humanitec Platform Orchestrator.
