Gcp Pubsub
Example: gcp-pubsub resource based on Google Cloud Pub/Sub
This example configures a gcp-pubsub-topic and a gcp-pubsub-subscription Resource Definition using Google Cloud Pub/Sub.
Those Resource Definitions can be used in your Score file using:
# publishing workload
TOPIC_NAME: ${resources.topic.name}
type: gcp-pubsub-topic
class: basic-publisher
# Make it a shared resource by using the "id"
id: main-topic
# subscribing workload
SUBSCRIPTION_NAME: ${resources.subscription.name}
type: gcp-pubsub-subscription
class: basic-subscriber
topic_name: ${resources['gcp-pubsub-topic.basic#shared.main-topic'].outputs.name}
Infrastructure setup
The workload service account will be automatically assigned to the necessary roles with the selected policies.
graph TD;
topic["GCP Pub/Sub topic"]
sub["GCP Pub/Sub subscription"]
subgraph GKE Cluster
topic_pod[workload pod]
topic_service[k8s service account]
sub_pod[workload pod]
sub_service[k8s service account]
topic_service -- bind role on --> topic
topic_service --> topic_pod
topic --> topic_pod
sub_service -- bind role on --> sub
sub_service --> sub_pod
sub --> sub_pod
sub --> topic
Orchestrator setup
The Resource Graph is using delegator resources to expose shared resources with different access policies.
graph LR;
workload_1 --> delegator_1["id: shared.topic_1, resource_type: gcp-pubsub-topic, class: basic-publisher"] --> shared.gcp-pubsub-topic_1["id: shared.topic_1, resource_type: gcp-pubsub-topic, class: basic"]
workload_2 --> delegator_2["id: externals.workload_2, resource_type: gcp-pubsub-subscription, class: basic-subscriber"] --> shared.gcp-pubsub-subscriber_1["id: externals.workload_2, resource_type: gcp-pubsub-subscription, class: basic"]
workload_2 --> shared.delegator_1["id: shared.subscription_1, resource_type: gcp-pubsub-subscription, class: basic-subscriber"]
workload_3 --> shared.delegator_1 --> shared.gcp-pubsub-subscriber_2["id: shared.subscription_1, resource_type: gcp-pubsub-subscription, class: basic"]
In this example, the Workload workload_1
acts as a publisher. It requests a shared resource of type gcp-pubsub-topic
and class basic-publisher
. This will be a “delegator” resource, co-provisioning an access policy (not shown) and referencing a “base” resource to provision the actual topic.
The Workload workload_2
is a subscriber. It requests a private resource of type gcp-pubsub-subscription
. This will likewise be a “delegator” resource, co-provisioning an access policy (not shown) and referencing a “base” resource to provision the actual subscription.
Both workload_2
and workload_3
request another shared resource of type gcp-pubsub-subscription
. This will again be a “delegator” resource. The two Workloads will effectively share the “base” subscription resource, and since they are using the same delegator resource.
Terraform docs
Name | Version |
terraform | >= 1.3.0 |
~> 5.17 | |
humanitec | ~> 1.0 |
Name | Version |
~> 5.17 | |
humanitec | ~> 1.0 |
Name | Source | Version |
gps_basic_subscriber | ../../humanitec-resource-defs/gcp-pubsub-subscription/delegator | n/a |
gpt_basic_publisher | ../../humanitec-resource-defs/gcp-pubsub-topic/delegator | n/a |
iam_role_binding_gcp_pubsub_subscription_subscriber | ../../humanitec-resource-defs/gcp-iam-policy-binding/basic | n/a |
iam_role_binding_gcp_pubsub_topic_publisher | ../../humanitec-resource-defs/gcp-iam-policy-binding/basic | n/a |
k8s_service_account_workload | ../../humanitec-resource-defs/k8s-service-account/workload | n/a |
pubsub_subscription_basic | ../../humanitec-resource-defs/gcp-pubsub-subscription/basic | n/a |
pubsub_topic_basic | ../../humanitec-resource-defs/gcp-pubsub-topic/basic | n/a |
workload | ../../humanitec-resource-defs/workload/service-account | n/a |
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
project | GCP project ID | string |
n/a | yes |
name | Name of the example application | string |
"hum-rp-gcp-pubsub-example" |
no |
prefix | n/a | string |
"hum-rp-gcp-pubsub-ex-" |
no |
resource_packs_gcp_rev | GCP Resource Pack git ref | string |
"refs/heads/main" |
no |
resource_packs_gcp_url | GCP Resource Pack git url | string |
"https://github.com/humanitec-architecture/resource-packs-gcp.git" |
no |
(view on GitHub)
# GCP service account used by Humanitec to provision resources
resource "google_service_account" "humanitec_provisioner" {
account_id = var.name
description = "Account used by Humanitec to provision resources"
resource "google_project_iam_member" "humanitec_provisioner" {
project = var.project
role = "roles/owner"
member = "serviceAccount:${google_service_account.humanitec_provisioner.email}"
resource "google_service_account_key" "humanitec_provisioner" {
service_account_id = google_service_account.humanitec_provisioner.name
resource "humanitec_resource_account" "humanitec_provisioner" {
id = var.name
name = var.name
type = "gcp"
credentials = base64decode(google_service_account_key.humanitec_provisioner.private_key)
depends_on = [
# Otherwise the account looses permissions before the resources are deleted
# Example application and resource definition criteria
resource "humanitec_application" "example" {
id = var.name
name = var.name
# GCP pubsub
locals {
# Classes used to build the resource definition graph
gpt_basic_class = "basic"
gps_basic_class = "basic"
gpt_publisher_policy_class = "gcp-pubsub-subscription-basic-publisher"
gps_subscriber_policy_class = "gcp-pubsub-subscription-basic-subscriber"
# Classes that developers can select from
gpt_basic_publisher_class = "basic-publisher"
gps_basic_subscriber_class = "basic-subscriber"
# Required resources for workload identity
module "k8s_service_account_workload" {
source = "github.com/humanitec-architecture/resource-packs-gcp?ref=v2024-06-14//humanitec-resource-defs/k8s-service-account/workload"
resource_packs_gcp_url = var.resource_packs_gcp_url
resource_packs_gcp_rev = var.resource_packs_gcp_rev
append_logs_to_error = true
driver_account = humanitec_resource_account.humanitec_provisioner.id
project = var.project
prefix = var.prefix
resource "humanitec_resource_definition_criteria" "k8s_service_account_workload" {
resource_definition_id = module.k8s_service_account_workload.id
app_id = humanitec_application.example.id
force_delete = true
module "workload" {
source = "github.com/humanitec-architecture/resource-packs-gcp?ref=v2024-06-14//humanitec-resource-defs/workload/service-account"
prefix = var.prefix
resource "humanitec_resource_definition_criteria" "workload" {
resource_definition_id = module.workload.id
app_id = humanitec_application.example.id
force_delete = true
(view on GitHub)
terraform {
required_providers {
google = {
source = "hashicorp/google"
version = "~> 5.17"
humanitec = {
source = "humanitec/humanitec"
version = "~> 1.0"
required_version = ">= 1.3.0"
provider "humanitec" {}
provider "google" {
project = var.project
default_labels = {
"managed_by" = "terraform"
"source" = "github.com/humanitec-architecture/resource-pack-gcp"
(view on GitHub)
# gcp pubsub subscription related resources
module "pubsub_subscription_basic" {
source = "github.com/humanitec-architecture/resource-packs-gcp?ref=v2024-06-14//humanitec-resource-defs/gcp-pubsub-subscription/basic"
resource_packs_gcp_url = var.resource_packs_gcp_url
resource_packs_gcp_rev = var.resource_packs_gcp_rev
append_logs_to_error = true
driver_account = humanitec_resource_account.humanitec_provisioner.id
project = var.project
prefix = var.prefix
resource "humanitec_resource_definition_criteria" "pubsub_subscription_basic" {
resource_definition_id = module.pubsub_subscription_basic.id
app_id = humanitec_application.example.id
class = local.gps_basic_class
force_delete = true
# policy
module "iam_role_binding_gcp_pubsub_subscription_subscriber" {
source = "github.com/humanitec-architecture/resource-packs-gcp?ref=v2024-06-14//humanitec-resource-defs/gcp-iam-policy-binding/basic"
prefix = var.prefix
name = "gcp-pubsub-subscription-basic-subscriber"
type = "pubsub_subscription"
scope_key = "subscription"
scope_value = "$${resources['gcp-pubsub-subscription.${local.gps_basic_class}'].outputs.name}"
role = "roles/pubsub.subscriber"
resource "humanitec_resource_definition_criteria" "iam_role_binding_gcp_pubsub_subscription_subscriber" {
resource_definition_id = module.iam_role_binding_gcp_pubsub_subscription_subscriber.id
app_id = humanitec_application.example.id
class = local.gps_subscriber_policy_class
force_delete = true
## Exposed delegator resource definition
module "gps_basic_subscriber" {
source = "github.com/humanitec-architecture/resource-packs-gcp?ref=v2024-06-14//humanitec-resource-defs/gcp-pubsub-subscription/delegator"
prefix = var.prefix
gps_resource_class = local.gps_basic_class
policy_resource_class = local.gps_subscriber_policy_class
resource "humanitec_resource_definition_criteria" "gps_basic_subscriber" {
resource_definition_id = module.gps_basic_subscriber.id
app_id = humanitec_application.example.id
class = local.gps_basic_subscriber_class
force_delete = true
(view on GitHub)
# gcp pubsub topic related resources
module "pubsub_topic_basic" {
source = "github.com/humanitec-architecture/resource-packs-gcp?ref=v2024-06-14//humanitec-resource-defs/gcp-pubsub-topic/basic"
resource_packs_gcp_url = var.resource_packs_gcp_url
resource_packs_gcp_rev = var.resource_packs_gcp_rev
append_logs_to_error = true
driver_account = humanitec_resource_account.humanitec_provisioner.id
project = var.project
prefix = var.prefix
resource "humanitec_resource_definition_criteria" "pubsub_topic_basic" {
resource_definition_id = module.pubsub_topic_basic.id
app_id = humanitec_application.example.id
class = local.gpt_basic_class
force_delete = true
# policy
module "iam_role_binding_gcp_pubsub_topic_publisher" {
source = "github.com/humanitec-architecture/resource-packs-gcp?ref=v2024-06-14//humanitec-resource-defs/gcp-iam-policy-binding/basic"
prefix = var.prefix
name = "gcp-pubsub-topic-basic-publisher"
type = "pubsub_topic"
scope_key = "topic"
scope_value = "$${resources['gcp-pubsub-topic.${local.gpt_basic_class}'].outputs.name}"
role = "roles/pubsub.publisher"
resource "humanitec_resource_definition_criteria" "iam_role_binding_gcp_pubsub_topic_publisher" {
resource_definition_id = module.iam_role_binding_gcp_pubsub_topic_publisher.id
app_id = humanitec_application.example.id
class = local.gpt_publisher_policy_class
force_delete = true
## Exposed delegator resource definition
module "gpt_basic_publisher" {
source = "github.com/humanitec-architecture/resource-packs-gcp?ref=v2024-06-14//humanitec-resource-defs/gcp-pubsub-topic/delegator"
prefix = var.prefix
gpt_resource_class = local.gpt_basic_class
policy_resource_class = local.gpt_publisher_policy_class
resource "humanitec_resource_definition_criteria" "gpt_basic_publisher" {
resource_definition_id = module.gpt_basic_publisher.id
app_id = humanitec_application.example.id
class = local.gpt_basic_publisher_class
force_delete = true
(view on GitHub)
# Name of the example application
name = "hum-rp-gcp-pubsub-example"
prefix = "hum-rp-gcp-pubsub-ex-"
# GCP project ID
project = ""
# GCP Resource Pack git ref
resource_packs_gcp_rev = "refs/tags/v2024-06-14"
# GCP Resource Pack git url
resource_packs_gcp_url = "https://github.com/humanitec-architecture/resource-packs-gcp.git"
(view on GitHub)
variable "project" {
description = "GCP project ID"
type = string
variable "resource_packs_gcp_url" {
description = "GCP Resource Pack git url"
type = string
default = "https://github.com/humanitec-architecture/resource-packs-gcp.git"
variable "resource_packs_gcp_rev" {
description = "GCP Resource Pack git ref"
type = string
default = "refs/tags/v2024-06-14"
variable "name" {
description = "Name of the example application"
type = string
default = "hum-rp-gcp-pubsub-example"
variable "prefix" {
type = string
default = "hum-rp-gcp-pubsub-ex-"