Resource Definitions




Use the Terraform Driver to provision Amazon S3 bucket resources.

  • uses a publicly accessible Git repo to find the Terraform code.
  • uses a private Git repo requiring authentication to find the Terraform code. (view on GitHub) :

resource "humanitec_resource_definition" "aws_terraform_resource_s3_bucket" {
  id          = "aws-terrafom-s3-bucket"
  name        = "aws-terrafom-s3-bucket"
  type        = "s3"
  driver_type = "humanitec/terraform"

  driver_inputs = {

    secrets = {
      variables = jsonencode({
        access_key = var.access_key
        secret_key = var.secret_key

      source = jsonencode({
        # Provide either an SSH key (for SSH connection) or password (for HTTPS).
        ssh_key  = var.ssh_key
        password = var.password
    values = {
      # Connection information to the Git repo containing the Terraform code
      "source" = jsonencode(
          path = "s3/terraform/bucket/"
          rev  = "refs/heads/main"
          url  = ""
          # url  = "[email protected]:my-org/my-repo.git" # For SSH access instead of HTTPS
      "variables" = jsonencode(
          # Provide a separate bucket per Application and Environment
          bucket          = "my-company-my-app-$${}-$${}"
          region          = var.region
          assume_role_arn = var.assume_role_arn
} (view on GitHub) :

resource "humanitec_resource_definition" "aws_terraform_resource_s3_bucket" {
  id          = "aws-terrafom-s3-bucket"
  name        = "aws-terrafom-s3-bucket"
  type        = "s3"
  driver_type = "humanitec/terraform"

  driver_inputs = {

    secrets = {
      variables = jsonencode({
        access_key = var.access_key
        secret_key = var.secret_key

    values = {
      # Connection information to the Git repo containing the Terraform code
      # The repo must not require authentication
      "source" = jsonencode(
          path = "s3/terraform/bucket/"
          rev  = "refs/heads/main"
          url  = ""
      "variables" = jsonencode(
          # Provide a separate bucket per Application and Environment
          bucket          = "my-company-my-app-$${}-$${}"
          region          = var.region
          assume_role_arn = var.assume_role_arn
