Resource Definitions




The Terraform Driver can be configured to execute the Terraform scripts as part of a Kubernetes Job execution in a target Kubernetes cluster, instead of in the Humanitec infrastructure. In this case, you must supply access data to the cluster to the Humanitec Platform Orchestrator.

The examples in this section show how to provide those data by referencing a k8s-cluster Resource Definition as part of the non-secret and secret fields of the runner object in the s3 Resource Definition based on the Terraform Driver.

  • provides a connection to an EKS cluster.
  • uses runner configuration to run the Terraform Runner in the external cluster specified by and provision an S3 bucket. It configures the Runner to run Terraform scripts from a private Git repository which initializes a Terraform s3 backend via Environment Variables. (view on GitHub) :

resource "humanitec_resource_definition" "eks_resource_cluster" {
  id          = "eks-cluster"
  name        = "eks-cluster"
  type        = "k8s-cluster"
  driver_type = "humanitec/k8s-cluster-eks"

  driver_inputs = {
    secrets = {
      credentials = {
        aws_access_key_id     = var.aws_access_key_id
        aws_secret_access_key = var.aws_secret_access_key

    values = {
      loadbalancer             = ""
      name                     = "my-cluster"
      region                   = "eu-central-1"
      loadbalancer             = ""
      loadbalancer_hosted_zone = "ABC0DEF5WYYZ00"

resource "humanitec_resource_definition_criteria" "eks_resource_cluster" {
  resource_definition_id =
  class                  = "runner"
} (view on GitHub) :

resource "humanitec_resource_definition" "aws_terraform_external_runner_resource_s3_bucket" {
  id          = "aws-terrafom-ext-runner-s3-bucket"
  name        = "aws-terrafom-ext-runner-s3-bucket"
  type        = "s3"
  driver_type = "humanitec/terraform"
  # The driver_account references a Cloud Account configured in the Platform Orchestrator.
  # Replace with the name of your AWS Cloud Account.
  # The account is used to provide credentials to the Terraform script via environment variables to access the TF state.
  driver_account = "my-aws-account"

  driver_inputs = {
    secrets = {
      # Secret info of the cluster where the Terraform Runner should run.
      # This references a k8s-cluster resource that will be matched by class `runner`.
      runner = jsonencode({
        credentials = "$${resources['k8s-cluster.runner'].outputs.credentials}"

      source = jsonencode({
        ssh_key = var.ssh_key

    values = {
      # This instructs the driver that the Runner must run in an external cluster.
      runner_mode = "custom-kubernetes"
      # Non-secret info of the cluster where the Terraform Runner should run.
      # This references a k8s-cluster resource that will be matched by class `runner`.
      runner = jsonencode({
        cluster_type = "eks"
        cluster = {
          region                   = "$${resources['k8s-cluster.runner'].outputs.region}"
          name                     = "$${resources['k8s-cluster.runner']}"
          loadbalancer             = "$${resources['k8s-cluster.runner'].outputs.loadbalancer}"
          loadbalancer_hosted_zone = "$${resources['k8s-cluster.runner'].outputs.loadbalancer_hosted_zone}"
        # Service Account created following:
        service_account = "humanitec-tf-runner-sa"
        namespace       = "humanitec-tf-runner"

      # Configure the way we provide account credentials to the Terraform scripts in the referenced repository.
      # These credentials are related to the `driver_account` configured above.
      credentials_config = jsonencode({

        # Terraform script Variables. 
        variables = {
          ACCESS_KEY_ID     = "AccessKeyId"
          SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = "SecretAccessKey"

        # Environment Variables.
        environment = {
          AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID     = "AccessKeyId"
          AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = "SecretAccessKey"

      # Connection information to the Git repo containing the Terraform code.
      # It will provide a backend configuration initialized via Environment Variables.
      source = jsonencode({
        path = "s3/terraform/bucket/"
        rev  = "refs/heads/main"
        url  = ""

      variables = jsonencode({
        # Provide a separate bucket per Application and Environment
        bucket = "my-company-my-app-$${}-$${}"
        region = var.region

