Resource Definitions

32 examples found



The examples below illustrate the use of Resource Definitions to realize a particular capability.

An example may contain several Resource Definitions working in conjunction. These Resource Definitions may be of different Resource Types. Therefore, there is not always a one-to-one relationship of capability to Resource Type. Refer to the description of the individual examples for details.

Add Sidecar

Template Driver
The workload Resource Type can be used to make updates to resources before they are deployed into the cluster. In this example, a Resource Definition implementing the workload Resource Type is used to inject the Open Telemetry agent as a sidecar into every workload. In addition to adding the sidecar, it also adds an environment variable called OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT to each container running in the workload. (...)


Template Driver
This section contains example Resource Definitions using the Template Driver for the affinity of Kubernetes Pods. (...)


K8s Cluster Aks
This section contains example Resource Definitions using the Humanitec Agent for connecting to AKS clusters. (...)


K8s Cluster Eks
This section contains example Resource Definitions using the Humanitec Agent for connecting to EKS clusters. (...)


K8s Cluster Gke
This section contains example Resource Definitions using the Humanitec Agent for connecting to GKE clusters. (...)

Azure Blob

Terraform Driver
Use the Terraform Driver to provision Azure Blob storage resources. (...)


Terraform Driver
Humanitec manages the state file for the local backend. This is the backend that is used if no backend is specified. (...)

Co Provision

Terraform Driver
This section contains an example of Resource Definitions using the Terraform Driver and illustrating the co-provisioning concept. (...)


Terraform Driver
Different Terraform providers have different ways of being configured. Generally, there are 3 ways that providers can be configured: (...)

Custom Git Config

Terraform Driver
This section contains an example of providing a custom git-config to be used by Terraform when accessing modules sources from private git repositories. (...)

Dynamic Credentials

K8s Cluster Aks
This section contains example Resource Definitions using dynamic credentials for connecting to AKS clusters. (...)

Dynamic Credentials

K8s Cluster Eks
This section contains example Resource Definitions using dynamic credentials for connecting to EKS clusters. (...)

Dynamic Credentials

K8s Cluster Gke
This section contains example Resource Definitions using dynamic credentials for connecting to GKE clusters. (...)

Dynamic Credentials

Terraform Driver
Using a Cloud Account type that supports dynamic credentials, those credentials can be easily injected into a Resource Definition using the Terraform Driver. Use a driver_account referencing the Cloud Account in the Resource Definition, and access its the credentials through the supplied values as shown in the examples. (...)


Template Driver
This section shows how to use the Template Driver for managing labels on Kubernetes objects. (...)


Echo Driver
This section contains example Resource Definitions using the Echo Driver for managing Kubernetes namespaces. (...)


Template Driver
This section contains example Resource Definitions using the Template Driver for managing Kubernetes namespaces. (...)

Node Selector

Template Driver
This section contains example Resource Definitions using the Template Driver for setting nodeSelectors on your Pods. (...)


Echo Driver
This section contains example Resource Definitions using the Echo Driver for PostgreSQL. (...)

Private Git Repo

Terraform Driver
The Terraform Driver can access Terraform definitions stored in a Git repository. In the case that this repository requires authentication, you must supply credentials to the Driver. The examples in this section show how to provide those as part of the secrets in the Resource Definition based on the Terraform Driver. (...)


Echo Driver
This section contains example Resource Definitions using the Echo Driver for Redis. (...)


Terraform Driver
The Terraform Driver can be configured to execute the Terraform scripts as part of a Kubernetes Job execution in a target Kubernetes cluster, instead of in the Humanitec infrastructure. In this case, you must supply access data to the cluster to the Humanitec Platform Orchestrator. (...)
The Terraform Driver can be configured to execute the Terraform scripts as part of a Kubernetes Job execution in a target Kubernetes cluster, instead of in the Humanitec infrastructure. In this case, you must supply access data to the cluster to the Humanitec Platform Orchestrator. (...)


Terraform Driver
Use the Terraform Driver to provision Amazon S3 bucket resources. (...)

Security Context

Template Driver
This section contains example Resource Definitions using the Template Driver for adding Security Context on Kubernetes Deployment. (...)

Static Credentials

K8s Cluster Aks
This section contains example Resource Definitions using static credentials for connecting to AKS clusters. (...)

Static Credentials

K8s Cluster Eks
This section contains example Resource Definitions using static credentials for connecting to EKS clusters. (...)

Static Credentials

K8s Cluster Git
This section contains example Resource Definitions using static credentials for connecting to a Git repository in (GitOps mode). (...)

Static Credentials

K8s Cluster Gke
This section contains example Resource Definitions using static credentials for connecting to GKE clusters. (...)
This section contains example Resource Definitions using static credentials for connecting to generic Kubernetes clusters. (...)


Template Driver
This section contains example Resource Definitions using the Template Driver for managing tolerations on your Pods. (...)
This example will let participating Workloads share a common persistent storage service through the Kubernetes volumes system. (...)